How to furnish a house according to the zodiac sign so that dreams come true in it

How to furnish a house according to the zodiac sign so that dreams come true in it

Now, when we spend most of the time within the walls of our own apartments, it is especially important – they press these very walls or help.

Aries is not one of those who will postpone the pursuit of vivid impressions due to the pandemic. They are capable of extracting emotional recharge from anything, including from the environment. The house in which Aries will feel the beating of life looks like this: bold colors and prints, unusual combinations, non-standard solutions. Moreover, prints are more likely not on walls and posters, but on furniture. Ideally, the house should have several rooms, one of which should be set aside for an active space: a gym, a climbing wall, whatever to throw out the seething energy. Well, or, if not a separate room, then at least a corner in which an exercise bike, stepper or other equipment will stand. Aries, in whose life there is no activity, is not Aries.

Taurus: comfort and peace

This earth sign values ​​stability, therefore, the situation around should be appropriate. There should be nothing fragile or unreliable, unstable in the apartment. The center of your world is a comfortable sectional sofa, where you can comfortably sit with a book or a TV remote control, there is where to put a cup of tea and a basket of cookies. Comfort is vital for Taurus to get rid of the stresses of the outside world. Another place of power is the kitchen. Taurus loves delicious food, knows how to cook and will never eat anything. The colors of the interior are natural, close to natural, muted and neutral.

Gemini: openness and high-tech

Gemini are changeable natures, their preferences can change almost every day. But one thing remains unchanged – their sociability. The open nature of Gemini requires that the whole world be open, there should be as much space in the house as possible. Large windows to the floor, wide doors, a minimum of furniture, but at the same time everything that is needed for comfort should be in the house. Ideal Gemini Home is a smart home equipped with a voice-controlled home audio system, with appliances that can be started and configured using a smartphone. In such a house, the Gemini will be really comfortable.

Cancer: taste and tradition

Cancers are conservative and very attached to their home. This is the place where they can really rest their souls. Antiques, classic furniture and decor items will provide Raku with maximum comfort and coziness. The heart of this house will be the kitchen – Cancers love and know how to cook, they make great pastries that their loved ones simply adore. There should be a lot of space in the kitchen to gather a large company – even if only the owner of the house will cook, this does not mean that others will not be able to support the process with small talk. Ideal colors are light pastel shades, and this applies not only to walls, but also to furniture.

Leo: bright and effective

Those born under the sign of Leo are those people who see nothing wrong with sacrificing practicality for showiness. This also applies to the home environment – bright colors, bold combinations, attention-grabbing furniture, unusual accessories express all the lion’s egocentrism and the desire to shine. Ideally, a Leo’s home should have multiple guest rooms and an outdoor party area. Quite superb if there is also a pool. Plus, there is no shortage of mirrors in the home. Moreover, one (or more than one) must necessarily be on the floor, and even better – with backlight.

Virgo: simple and stylish

Virgos don’t need too many things to be comfortable. What is really needed is stability and the feeling that you are in complete control of your life. The interior of the Virgo’s dream house is designed in neutral colors, since they are the easiest to combine with each other. Furniture and accessories, unlike lions, will be functional rather than spectacular. Poufs, inside which you can store all sorts of little things, coffee tables with hidden compartments for consoles and magazines. The house of Virgo is ideally organized, storage systems are carefully thought out – representatives of this sign do not tolerate clutter and do everything to keep it as simple as possible.

Libra: harmony and asceticism

Poise, harmony, balance – it’s all about Libra. The colors in which the interior of the house is sustained will delight the eye, balancing between brightness and fading at the ideal level. The things in the house must match each other perfectly, they are tasteful and very elegant. Scales will pay attention to every detail, be it wall decor, curtain texture, decorative pillows or mirrors. All things will be exceptionally high quality and always up-to-date, no matter what fashion reigns at a given time. And, of course, nothing flashy or vulgar. This does not suit the Libra.

Scorpio: mystery and solitude

If it’s really true, then for complete happiness Scorpio needs a hut in the forest. No, not the house of a poor woodcutter, but quite a comfortable hut, perhaps even with a claim to luxury. But even an ordinary city apartment should reflect the essence of Scorpio. For example, their desire for solitude, privacy, privacy. The main colors in the interior are dark, saturated. It is possible that the apartment will have a safe, or even a secret room, where no one but the owner will have access. Scorpios do not at all think it is stupid to install a video surveillance camera. They protect their privacy. In addition, Scorpios do not like to adapt to what is, they easily adapt the surrounding space for themselves.

Sagittarius: home within a home

Sagittarius is very difficult to call couch potatoes, this is one of the most mobile signs. Sitting at home for whole days is no worse punishment for them. But that doesn’t mean Sagittarius can’t have a dream home. Representatives of this sign know how to organize space so that everything you need fits into the minimum area. Compactness is their middle name. With the help of simple zoning, you can build a kind of house in the house – a space where travel impressions will come to life. There is a place for photographs, souvenirs, memorabilia brought with you from different parts of your visit. Small wigwams like the ones that kids buy to play with are also a great idea. It will be great to dream of future travels in it.

Capricorn: practicality and minimalism

The main thing in Capricorn’s life is work. And this will surely be clear at the first glance at his house. Everything that appears in Capricorn’s apartment will be of practical value and benefit. He simply does not notice meaningless things, even if they are beautiful. Minimalism and elegance – this is how you can describe the dream home for Capricorn. There must be a comfortable place to work, a comfortable table and chair. Each thing will definitely have its own “address”, because pedantic Capricorns do not like two things: when the house is a mess and when you have to spend a lot of time putting things in order. Superfluous details and “dust collectors” – you will definitely not see this in the house of Capricorn.

Aquarius: eclecticism and naturalness

Aquarians don’t need interior design magazines to create their own style. They know exactly what they would like to see around them, and know how to create harmonious combinations of things that seem to be completely inappropriate for each other. To make a dream house, it must reflect the closeness of Aquarius to nature: natural fabrics and materials, indoor plants, nothing oppressive, heavy, gloomy. There must be a corner in the house where Aquarius can be alone with his thoughts. Representatives of this sign, like no other, value personal space. The path even it will be quite small, but in this secluded place Aquarius should feel calm and relaxed.

Pisces: softness and serenity  

Home is a place where you can relax and not think about anything. At least for Pisces. Cold shades of blue or turquoise – on walls, in furniture or decor items – will help the representatives of this sign breathe out all the stress. Furniture should be really comfortable, but not clutter up the space. Soft pillows and blankets, cozy blankets will help to add coziness to the atmosphere, but at the same time they will not “eat up” the space. Openness and spaciousness are what must be in the house of Pisces. Ideally, it should be located somewhere near the water: a sea, river, lake, pond, ocean, or even a pool will do just fine. If there is no water outside, place the aquarium inside.

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