Not everyone has the capacity toforget about work in a few hours. For some people, it takes time. So much time when you do not make the most of your vacation with your children. Pity. We can disconnect faster with sophrology. Here is how with the advice of Clémentine Joachim, certified sophrologist.
Settle in well
Lie on your back, close your eyes. You can sit on your Beach towel, in one hamac, on your yoga mat, in a place where you feel good. Take the time to give your body all the comfort it needs. Focus your attention on your breathing. Feel all the muscles in your body getting better and better. Observe your calmer and more regular breathing.
What to visualize?
- Focus on the image of your body as it is installed (on the beach towel, in the hammock or elsewhere, in a comfortable position). Perceive the features of your face, the position of your relaxed body, lying quietly to allow yourself a moment of pause, to allow yourself a moment of calm and relaxation.
- Now look at your body from above, as if you were observing it from a camera above you. Imagine the shape of your body lying where it is, observe the atmosphere that emerges from where you are.
- Imagine that the camera above you continues to climb, that it takes height. Imagine where you are (the garden, the beach, maybe elsewhere). Observe this space from above, as if you were seeing it from above. Observe it in its entirety: the entire beach, or the entire garden.
- Imagine leave your files, your professional concerns, in the recesses of this space. Let go here that mental chatter and ruminations that prevent you from enjoying your vacation, continuing to gain height with these annoyances.
- Zoom out on this space (this garden, this beach or elsewhere), and see how these files, these annoyances are already getting smaller. Feel how they occupy less and less space in this observation.
- Now leave this place and observe its place in the neighborhood, its location. Widen your point of view more and more: contemplate the surrounding nature, the colors, the reliefs, the lights. Take advantage of this rare view, from this privileged angle of observation. Feel like it is soothing to enjoy this view, far from professional worries.
- Continue to let yourself be carried away on this journey by taking even more height: observe the country where you are, perhaps its coasts, its borders. Welcome the feelings of calm and tranquility that emerge within you.
- Get even higher and imagine the continents, as if you were drawing with your fingertips each of the continents you see on the surface of the globe. And between these continents, let yourself be lulled by the observation of the seas and oceans. Marvel at these shades of blue that sublimate the surface of the Earth. Take the time to contemplate the color contrasts between the continents and the oceans, the relief contrasts, and feel the calm that this contemplation gives you.
- Extend your ascent even further by looking at the vastness of the universe. Admire the stars, the race of comets. Savor the fullness of this moment in this moment of pause just for you, far from work stress that you left below, that you detached yourself from to enjoy a moment of rest, to enjoy a family vacation.
- Observe the distance you have managed to gain from work and the annoyances that go with it. Feel as in this immensity of the universe that you contemplate, you are calm and at ease. Feel like you are available to enjoy your vacation. Take advantage of this calm within you.
A feeling of calm
- Prepare to descend gradually, filled with serenity, ready to enjoy your vacation. Look at Earth again, and begin to begin your descent.
- Imagine the continents, the oceans. Perhaps you are picking up details that had escaped your notice. Take the time to come back down step by step and enjoy this trip.
- Find the continent you are on, then the country.
- Slowly continue your descent to get over your area, then zoom in on where you are, where you are on vacation. Without haste, visualize this space where you are about to return: maybe the beach where you are lying, or le jardin.
- Enter this space to observe every corner where you have left the worries of work. And feel like after this time of pause, after this trip in the universe, these worries seem lighter to you, as if they had evaporated.
- Visualize your body lying comfortably, relaxed. Feel the calm that dwells in you and seek, by your breathing, to diffuse it even more in all your body.
- See your ability to distance yourself from the worries of work, and anchor that feeling of calm within you.
- Reconnect with your body by feeling its points of support. Gently step out of your bubble and reconnect with your surroundings. Take all the time needed before opening your eyes,go for a splash or a walk with the children !
Happy holidays to all, far from the files!