How to fry river fish in a pan: delicious recipes, how much time

How to fry river fish in a pan: delicious recipes, how much time

It would seem that there is nothing easier than cooking fish in a pan, but even this common cooking method has its own secrets. The main task is to ensure that the product does not lose its structure, and the meat does not turn out to be dry and tough. In addition, river fish has a specific smell. If you own culinary secrets, then it’s really possible to cook a dish familiar to everyone at a high level, decorating a festive table with it.

Useful Properties

How to fry river fish in a pan: delicious recipes, how much time

As a rule, no more than 8 percent of fats are concentrated in river fish. It helps fight obesity as well as atherosclerosis. The constant consumption of fish meat contributes to the normalization of the cardiovascular system, and also helps to strengthen the immune functions of the body. A fried dish prepared on the basis of sea fish contains about 160 kcal, and 100 grams of the product contains about 20 g of proteins, 8 g of fat and up to 5 grams of carbohydrates. Fried fish is suitable for any kind of side dishes based on potatoes, rice, vegetable salads seasoned with creamy or tomato sauces.

How to choose the right river fish

How to fry river fish in a pan: delicious recipes, how much time

The quality of the prepared dish directly depends on the quality of the original product. That’s why:

  • You can simply smell the fish, as a result of which there should not be a sharp unpleasant odor, and the fish should give off a slight aroma of mud.
  • The scales should look fresh, not dry or cracked. In addition, if the fish has a curved tail, then it most likely has been lying on the counter for a long time.
  • Cloudy eyes and dark colored gills indicate that the fish is stale.
  • You should buy uncut fish, because this is the only way to determine its freshness.

Preparatory operations

How to fry river fish in a pan: delicious recipes, how much time

To cook a dish of fish, it will have to be prepared. If frozen fish is used,

then it must be properly thawed, otherwise it will lose the structure of its fibers. To properly defrost fish, you need to take cold water, at the rate of 2 liters of water per 1 kilogram of fish. In this case, the defrosting process takes a certain period of time. As a rule, the fish is poured with cold water in the evening, and by morning, it will defrost.

On a note! Hot water will easily speed up the defrosting process, but it will spoil the product.

After defrosting, they begin to clean the fish from scales and rid it of the insides. The fish is cleaned very well with a metal brush under running water. It is better to immediately take kitchen scissors and cut off the fins. If the fish is too slippery, then it can be rubbed with salt. After removing the scales, proceed to remove the insides. It is very important at this stage not to hurt the gallbladder.

If there were no problems, then the insides of the fish are quickly rubbed with salt and washed under running water.

The main task of the cook is to ensure that the cooked dish does not have a specific fishy smell. To solve this problem, fish carcasses are soaked in milk, at the rate of 1 kg of product per 1 liter of milk. Having filled the fish with milk, it is left for a couple of hours, which is quite enough for the fish meat to become tender and soft. After that, the fish is thoroughly washed with water to get rid of the taste and aroma of milk.

How to fry fish. We fry river fish, crucian carp, perch, roach, etc.

Fish in spicy breading

How to fry river fish in a pan: delicious recipes, how much time

The following components will be required:

  • Up to 1 kg of fish.
  • A couple of limes.
  • About 15 g of salt.
  • About 30 g of a mixture of dill, dried garlic, parsley and basil.
  • About 200 g flour.
  • So many rye crackers.
  • Sesame oil – within 50 ml.
  • A pair of chicken eggs.

To cook the fish, breading is required, otherwise the fish will stick to the base of the pan and lose its presentation. To prepare the breading, you need to take a deep bowl and beat the eggs in it until foam forms, and crackers and spices are combined in a separate plate. Then a flat, shallow plate is taken and the sifted flour is poured into it. Half an hour before cooking, 1 liter of water is taken and lime juice and salt are added to it, after which the fish is placed in this solution (marinade).

Small fish are cooked whole, and large fish are cut into portions. A frying pan with sesame oil is heated, while the oil should cover the fish halfway. First, the fish should be rolled in flour, then it is dipped in beaten eggs, and then breaded with spices. The fish is fried for 5 minutes on each side, after which it is laid out on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Cooked fish is served hot, with herbs and vegetables. The preparation of such a dish will take a little time, but its taste will delight all family members and guests.

Fish in batter

How to fry river fish in a pan: delicious recipes, how much time

Cooking will require the following components:

  • Up to half a kilo of fish.
  • Up to 100 ml soy sauce.
  • 3 pieces of cloves.
  • Up to 20 g of ginger.
  • A little salt, dried fennel and dill each.
  • Four chicken eggs.
  • Oatmeal – within a glass.

The cooking process requires marinating the fish, for which soy sauce is taken and heated in a water bath to 50 degrees, with the addition of cloves and chopped ginger. The marinade is removed from the heat and added to the fish. The fish should be marinated for half an hour. During this time it is possible

prepare batter. For this, eggs are beaten with the addition of salt and dried herbs. After that, the fish is removed from the marinade and dried on a towel. Before cooking, the fish is dipped in batter, and then in flour. You can use any type of flour, but the result will be more calories in the cooked dish. Pieces of fish are again lowered (2nd time) into the batter and sent to a heated frying pan. If vegetable oil is replaced with butter, then this will only improve the taste characteristics of the dish.

fried catfish

How to fry river fish in a pan: delicious recipes, how much time

To prepare catfish, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • About 800 g of catfish.
  • Half a liter of white wine.
  • Olive oil – 50 ml.
  • One orange.
  • Salt – about 15 grams.
  • Crackers – somewhere around 100 grams.
  • Dry garlic – within 5 grams.
  • Four eggs (chicken).

Catfish will be especially tasty if marinated in a special marinade. You will have to marinate for at least half an hour so that the fish gets rid of the characteristic, river aftertaste. The fish is poured with white wine and orange juice, with the addition of salt. While the fish is marinating, you can make a batter by beating, salting and peppering the eggs. Crackers are mixed with dried garlic (fresh garlic gives bitterness). The frying pan is put on fire and warmed up along with the oil. Catfish is first placed in batter, and then in breading. After that, the pieces of fish are carefully laid out in a pan and cooked for 7 minutes on each side. After cooking, the fish is placed on a paper towel to get rid of excess oil. As a side dish for the dish, mashed potatoes or pumpkin, as well as fresh vegetables, are suitable. The fish is also decorated with greens.

Fish caviar fried in a pan

How to fry river fish in a pan: delicious recipes, how much time

Using the same technology, you can cook not only fish, but also its caviar in a pan. Naturally, mature caviar is more suitable for this, which does not have turbidity and eggs are clearly visible. Before cooking, caviar is well washed with water, separated from the film. After that, the caviar is salted, peppered, without an excess of spices, so as not to overshadow the natural taste of the product.

For frying you will need:

  • Up to 100 g of caviar.
  • About 30 g of wheat (any) flour.
  • Up to 20 ml of vegetable oil.

Caviar is cooked with the addition of flour in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil. This product is prepared no longer than 3 minutes on each side. It is better to turn over carefully so as not to violate the integrity of the product. Ready-to-eat dish should have a beautiful appetizing golden hue. This dish contains about 230 kcal, regardless of the type of fish.

If you follow such simple tips, you can cook river fish in a pan with a crispy appetizing crust. The product is considered low-calorie, but rich in taste, which will surely please anyone who wants to try these dishes.

We fry bony river fish or how to get rid of small bones

In conclusion

How to fry river fish in a pan: delicious recipes, how much time

Cooking fish in a pan is quite quick and easy, especially if you use the simplest recipe, without the pickling process. Even without this process, the fish is quite tasty. Not always river fish has a peculiar aroma, but the pickling process

still guarantees that the dish will turn out quite tasty.

Cooking in a pan is not an option for those who are overweight, since fried fish is always higher in calories. In addition, many nutrients disappear during the frying process, so the fish is not as useful as, for example, when baking. Fried fish is not recommended for those people who have problems with the digestive tract, so this method can not always be considered acceptable.

Fried Crucian Carp with Crispy Crust / Fried Fish / Fried Fish / Simple Recipe (Delicious and Fast)

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