Avid mushroom pickers love mushrooms for their high yield, experienced chefs – for valuable nutritional qualities. If mushrooms are cooked correctly, they will bring tangible benefits to the human body: only 100 g of the product contains the required daily dose of copper and zinc. In addition, this is a very tasty food that can be a great snack or a complete hearty dinner. Fried mushrooms have a special juiciness and aroma.
How to fry mushrooms: a recipe
How to deliciously fry mushrooms with potatoes
Clean selected mushrooms from debris, rinse thoroughly, cut off the legs, leaving 2 cm from the cap. Cut large pieces into small slices and boil in salted water (fresh mushrooms 10 minutes, frozen 15 minutes). After that, discard the mushrooms in a colander and let the liquid drain. To fry mushrooms and potatoes, you will need the following products:
– honey agarics (700 g); – potatoes (3-4 tubers); – onions (1 head); – sour cream (150 g); – vegetable oil (30 ml); – table salt to taste; – freshly ground black pepper to taste.
Cut the onion into thin half rings and sauté in a cast-iron saucepan in sunflower or olive oil until golden brown. Add potatoes, cut into strips, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Fry vegetables for 15 minutes, then put honey mushrooms, pour in sour cream and keep the saucepan under the lid over low heat for another 7-10 minutes. Serve the finished dish with fresh herbs and a light salad of raw vegetables.
According to nutritionists, after drying, the nutritional value of honey mushrooms increases 10 times! Dried mushrooms should be pre-soaked in water for 2-3 hours, after which they can be fried (only 30 minutes)
Homemade recipes from fried mushrooms
Fried mushrooms are a delicious snack that can be prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator from three months to six months. Autumn mushrooms are distinguished by rather stiff legs, which are recommended to be removed before canning or freezing mushrooms. Cut the cleaned and washed raw materials into pieces. For 1 kg of honey agarics you will need:
– table salt (1 tablespoon); – onion (1 head); – sunflower oil (3 tablespoons).
Dip the mushrooms in salted boiling water and cook for 15 minutes, then drain the water completely. Fry the chopped onion in vegetable oil for 10 minutes, then add the boiled mushrooms. Cook them under a closed lid over low heat for half an hour, then another 15 minutes in an open pan. Salt honey mushrooms, place in sterile warm glass jars and fill with hot oil, vegetable and mushroom juice, which remained after frying.
Do not use fried mushrooms in the diet of babies under 5 years old. Like any other mushrooms, they contain fungin – a substance that is not absorbed by the child’s body.
If you want to freeze fried mushrooms, cool them down, place them in layers in special ziplock bags and put them in the freezer. Defrost the product and lightly fry in oil before use. Homemade gravies will add juiciness to this dish.
The sauce for fried mushrooms can be as follows: – sour cream (3 tablespoons); – mayonnaise (2 tablespoons); – 2 cloves of minced garlic.
Dilute all ingredients with boiled water or vegetable broth, season with spices and herbs to taste and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Use the prepared gravy chilled.