Freezing volushki for the winter is a great idea to keep healthy mushrooms throughout the winter. Since the wave is a specific culture and has specific taste characteristics, freezing must be carried out correctly, following a number of recommendations.

Is it possible to freeze waves

How to freeze waves for the winter in the freezer at home

Like many other mushrooms, volushki can be frozen. But if boletus, moss mushrooms, boletus and similar species are sent to the freezer without prior heat treatment and soaking, then the waves need special preparation, as they contain bitterness that is not destroyed by low temperatures.

How to freeze volushki mushrooms for the winter

Only high-quality mushrooms are suitable for freezing.

  • First, the they must be young. In the old crop, most of the useful substances are no longer there, and taste qualities are also lost.
  • Second, the products must be healthy. It is impossible to freeze wormy fruiting bodies, sick and bitten. Such specimens contain toxic substances that are dangerous to human health.
  • Third, it is desirable to take small whole fruiting bodies. Because after defrosting, small, fragile pieces will not look aesthetically pleasing.

How to process freezers for freezing

To prepare the waves for the winter, before freezing, you need to carry out a series of manipulations with them:

  1. Clear each fruiting body of dirt and debris.
  2. Remove a thin “terry” film from the top surface of the cap.
  3. Trim the ends of the legs.
  4. Soak the raw materials in a saline solution for three days, changing the water to clean water twice a day (this will help remove the bitterness from the milkers).
  5. Dry outdoors.
  6. Boil for 20 – 30 minutes.
  7. Drain the water and dry the product a little.

After boiling, milkers can be immediately laid out in containers and put into freezing.

Is it possible to freeze fresh volushki mushrooms

Since the waves are milky, in which there is a white oily and extremely bitter liquid, it will not work to freeze them raw. Even thorough soaking of raw materials will not completely remove specific bitterness from it.

How to freeze boiled volushki

Boiled frozen waves are the most common option for winter harvesting these mushrooms. For cooking you need:

  1. Prepare fruiting bodies in the manner described above.
  2. Boil for at least 20 min.
  3. Put in a colander.
  4. Dry.
  5. Arrange in containers, while you can use plastic, glass and metal containers. In addition, milkers are well stored in ordinary plastic bags.
  6. Put the workpiece in the refrigerator, after allowing it to cool for 3 – 5 hours.
  7. Transfer containers to freezer.
Attention! The best option is to freeze milkers at the lowest temperature. In the future, they can be stored at – 16 оC.

How to freeze waves for the winter in the freezer at home

How to freeze waves after blanching

You can also freeze volushki at home by blanching. For this you need:

  1. Soak the fruit bodies for 3 days, remembering to add salt to the water and change it twice a day.
  2. Dry the product on a flat surface.
  3. Place in a colander or in a pressure cooker.
  4. Leave to steam for 30 minutes.
  5. Divide into containers.
  6. To freeze.

Blanching, unlike boiling, allows you to preserve the natural color of the mushrooms, although it takes more time to cook.

How to freeze waves for the winter in the freezer at home

How to freeze stewed waves in the freezer for the winter

In addition to the usual freezing of waves for the winter, there are more original recipes. Stewed mushrooms can also be stored in the freezer, along with the sauce in which they were cooked. To do this, you can prepare the raw materials as follows:

  1. Put pre-soaked and boiled milkers in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil.
  2. Fry for 20 min.
  3. Add onions and carrots to taste (it is difficult to spoil the dish with vegetables), salt and pepper.
  4. Fry for another 15 minutes.
  5. Pour in some water and add bay leaf.
  6. Simmer for about half an hour.
  7. Arrange in containers while hot, without pouring liquid to the very top.
  8. Wait for complete cooling.
  9. Remove to freezer.

How to freeze waves for the winter in the freezer at home

Attention! Other ingredients that are familiar to the hostess can be added to the dish, for example, tomato paste, hot pepper pods, etc.

How to freeze salty flakes

Freezing the waves for the winter is a simple process, especially if you send already salted mushrooms to the freezer. You can pickle and salt the harvested crop in any of the usual ways and send the jars to freeze. But there is one recipe that allows you to save all the benefits of the milky, its appearance and taste. For cooking you need:

  1. It is important to process the soaked raw materials with steam for 20 minutes.
  2. Then put in a cup or other container for salting with hats down.
  3. Each layer should alternate with a layer of coarse salt, dill and peppercorns (no more than 50 g of salt per kilogram of fruiting bodies, and spices and herbs can be put arbitrarily).
  4. Then the container with salting must be covered with a lid of such a diameter that it reaches the mushrooms.
  5. From above it is necessary to install a load (a can of water).
  6. Keep at room temperature for 24 hours, then put in a cool room for 7-10 days for salting.
  7. Divide the workpiece into containers.
  8. To freeze.

How to freeze waves for the winter in the freezer at home

This option will allow you to avoid a large amount of liquid in jars, to preserve the taste of the finished product. Subsequently, frozen pickles can be eaten without additional processing, sprinkled with herbs or onions and watered with vegetable oil.

How to freeze fried volushki in the freezer

How to freeze waves for the winter in the freezer at home

Eating fried volushki in winter is the dream of many housewives. A simple recipe for freezing waves for the winter, which involves their preliminary frying, will help to bring it to life:

  1. Soaked raw materials must be cooked.
  2. Pour some oil into the pan.
  3. Heat it up and add the mushrooms.
  4. Salt, pepper to taste and fry over medium heat for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Add half-cut onion.
  6. Fry for another 15 minutes, reducing the heat to a minimum.
  7. Arrange in containers along with onions and oil.
  8. Cool it down.
  9. Place on the shelf of the refrigerator for 2-4 hours.
  10. To freeze.

How to freeze caviar from volnushki for the winter

How to freeze waves for the winter in the freezer at home

It is possible to freeze mushrooms such as volnushki not only in an almost whole form. For these purposes, even cooked milk caviar is suitable.

This will require the following components:

  • waves – 2 kg;
  • tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • salt – 2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil (you can take unrefined) – 1 l;
  • onions – 2 kg.

Caviar preparation:

  1. Soaked volnushki must be boiled for 15 minutes, pre-salting the water.
  2. Then drain and repeat the operation twice more.
  3. Onion cut into large pieces.
  4. Tomatoes are also cut into several pieces.
  5. Pass all ingredients through a meat grinder.
  6. Mix everything, add salt and butter.
  7. Boil caviar for half an hour on low heat.
  8. Arrange in jars (they must first be sterilized).
  9. Close with lids.

Ready caviar should be completely cool. After that, it can be frozen in the freezer.

Important! Containers with caviar should not be completely filled so that the bank does not crack during freezing. If you put caviar in plastic containers, they also need to be pre-treated with boiling water.

Do waves dry

Many housewives have probably tried to dry the flakes for the winter, and boil them before using them in cooking various dishes. This approach to harvesting mushrooms is not only wrong, but also extremely dangerous. While the wave dries out, the bitter-tasting milk contained in it is finally absorbed into the structure of the fungus, and further attempts to wash it are futile.

That is why it is not recommended to harvest this type of mushroom without preliminary long-term soaking and heat treatment. Milk, which irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach and causes poisoning, can only be destroyed by boiling, stewing or frying. In addition, it comes out after soaking, but such mushrooms cannot be dried in the future, as they will be filled with water. Therefore, dried volushki are not eaten.

Storage and defrosting rules

Proper freezing of the waves is only the first stage of harvesting mushrooms for the winter. The key point is competent savings and the ability to defrost raw materials.

There are a number of storage rules that must be observed:

  1. You need to lay out the waves for freezing in small batches. After taking out the container and defrosting it, you need to fully use the products, since re-freezing is unacceptable.
  2. There should be no other products in the box where the frozen waves are stored, since the fruiting bodies quickly absorb odors.
  3. Boiled volnushki can be stored frozen for 12 months. Stewed, fried and salted products can be stored in the freezer for no more than 6 months.

It is equally important to learn how to properly defrost the waves. There are also a number of recommendations in this regard:

  1. Containers with blanks must not be placed in a microwave oven or in hot water.
  2. The best option is to first put the container of mushrooms in the refrigerator so that they thaw a little, and only then continue defrosting at room temperature.
  3. It is allowed to place containers with waves in cold water.


You can freeze the waves for the winter in different ways. The main thing is to remove bitterness from mushrooms and properly store the finished workpiece so as not to harm your own health and preserve the beneficial properties of a fragrant and tasty product.

How to salt the waves for the winter at home 🙂

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