How to freeze raspberries for the winter correctly

How to freeze raspberries for the winter correctly

Raspberries are a very delicate berry, and if you do not know certain subtleties, then you will not be able to save it for the winter. How to properly freeze raspberries in different ways, you will learn in this article.

How to properly freeze raspberries and keep a piece of summer?

Only fresh berries may be used for freezing. Overripe and crushed raspberries cannot be taken.

How to freeze raspberries for the winter

It is not recommended to wash raspberries before freezing. After any, even the most gentle, contact with water, the berry will give juice. For this reason, it is simply sorted out, removing the unusable fruits.

  • Choosing the right container. The basic rule for dry freezing: condensation should not form in the container with stored berries. Otherwise, instead of crumbly berries, you are guaranteed to get a crumpled ice mass and a layer of frost. It is best to use plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. Ordinary bags made of dense polyethylene have also proven themselves well.
  • Ideally, the container size should correspond to one serving. Remember: the less often the berries leave the freezer and come into contact with warm air, the less frost will form on them. This will help preserve the color and shape of the frozen raspberries for a longer time.
  • You do not need to fill containers completely. Raspberries will crumple and release juice, which will not benefit it. If the freezer is small, then pre-frozen berries can be packed in plastic bags.

Each box of raspberries must be additionally packed in polyethylene. This will save the berries from frost formation if the lid is not tight enough.

How to freeze raspberries in sugar

With sugar, you can freeze slightly overripe raspberries. The sweet crystals will absorb all the excess liquid. When laying berries in containers, each layer must be sprinkled with sugar. For 250 grams of raspberries, about three to four tablespoons of granulated sugar are taken. No need to stir.

If your refrigerator has a super freeze function, it is recommended to use it.

When storing raspberries in sugar in the freezer, it is advisable to keep the temperature between –18 and –22. The method of dry freezing helps to keep raspberries from one harvest to another, that is, at least 8-12 months. Frozen in sugar, it can be stored for no longer than four months.

When frozen quickly and correctly, raspberries retain their flavor and benefits. It can be used to prepare a warming drink that will speed up recovery from a cold, and create bright, tasty pastries.

Also good to know: how to freeze watermelon

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