How to freeze cranberries for the winter correctly

How to freeze cranberries for the winter correctly

Cranberries are a source of vitamin C and natural antioxidants. Therefore, it is especially useful in winter to strengthen the immune system. With the help of freezing, you can save a maximum of nutrients. How to properly freeze cranberries in order to preserve their beneficial properties, we will tell you in this article.

It is important to know how to properly freeze cranberries so that they do not lose their benefits.

You need to collect cranberries, garden or wild, in the fall, before the constant cold. If there have already been frosts and the berries are slightly frozen, they can be saved precisely with the help of quick freezing.

How to freeze cranberries for the winter

The freezing process for cranberries consists of several stages:

  • Sort the berries, remove leaves and other debris.
  • Rinse under running water.
  • Be sure to air dry completely by laying out on a towel. The presence of water will cause deformation of the berries during freezing and will lead to the fact that they let out the juice and freeze into one lump.
  • Put the cranberries on the bottom of the tray from the freezer or on a plank. Arrange in one layer so that the berries are quickly and simultaneously frozen.
  • If there is a shock freeze function, you need to use it. The faster the product is frozen, the more nutrients remain in it.
  • Place the frozen berries in packages in portions, remove the air from them and put them in the freezer for long-term storage.

At a temperature of -18, cranberries can be stored for more than a year.

For cooking, you need to take as many berries as you need for use, you cannot re-freeze them. Defrosting cranberries is only necessary if they will be consumed in their natural form, for example with sugar. For the preparation of fruit drink, compote and other dishes with heat treatment, the berries do not need to be defrosted beforehand.

How to freeze cranberries with sugar

This freezing option allows you to make a delicious and healthy dessert, ready to eat immediately after defrosting. For him you will need:

  • Cranberries – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 0,5 kg.

Wash and dry the cranberries. Mix gently with sugar, being careful not to damage the berries. Place mixture in plastic trays and flash-freeze.

In this form, cranberries can be thawed and eaten immediately or used for sweet dishes and drinks. For example, the cranberry and rose hip compote is an excellent tonic drink rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. And ice cream with cranberries is an exquisite delicacy.

Cranberries frozen in any way retain all their beneficial properties and will definitely come in handy in winter for preparing delicious and healthy dishes and drinks.

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