How to freeze and unfreeze rows and columns in Excel

If you are working on a large Excel spreadsheet where all the rows and columns do not fit on the screen, it is possible to freeze some rows and columns to make it easier to work with the data. To freeze rows and columns in a table, do the following:

  1. Select the cell above and to the left of which you want to fix the rows and columns. For example, if we want to freeze the top six rows and column A, we’ll select cell B7.
  2. Click the View (View).
  3. In a command group Window (window) click Freeze Panes (Freeze areas) and select the item of the same name from the drop-down menu.
  4. Now you can scroll through the data on the Excel sheet, while the headings will remain stationary. Pinned areas are indicated by a thin black border. Such an example is shown in the first figure of this article.
  5. To unpin in Excel, click the button Freeze Panes (Freeze areas) and from the drop-down menu select the command Unfreeze Panes (Unpin areas).

In the example above, we fixed both rows and columns at the same time. You can also pin them individually. For example, to fix the title of our table, do the following:

  1. Select the cell that is under the heading and in the leftmost column. In this example, this is cell A2.
  2. And then, as in the previous example, use the command Freeze Panes (To fix areas).

If you need to fix only the top row or only the first column, you can use special commands Freeze Top Row (pin the top line) and Freeze First Column (Freeze the first column).

  1. Now, when scrolling through the data, the title bar will stay in place.

The ability to freeze panes in Excel is very handy, especially when viewing large and complex spreadsheets.

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