How to foster a teenager’s self-confidence? A healthy smile is important
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High self-esteem, self-esteem and building self-confidence are especially important for teenagers. However, they are influenced by many factors – successes and failures at school, relationships with peers and own appearance. How to build a teenager’s self-esteem? How can I raise my child’s self-esteem?

The pandemic has greatly affected teenagers’ self-image and well-being. Quarantine, isolation from peers, remote learning and spending many hours in front of the computer have had an impact on the well-being and self-confidence of many of them. A survey commissioned by Align Technology shows that 62 percent. parents in Poland believe that the pandemic affected the well-being and self-confidence of their children because they had limited opportunities to meet friends.

Why is teenage self-esteem so important?

Self-esteem includes the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs we have about ourselves. During their teenage years, children experience many hormonal and physiological changes and struggle to develop their own unique identity. When adolescents are aware of their worth, they are not afraid to try new things and feel prepared to take responsibility for their lives. Moreover, high self-esteem also allows them to feel proud of their decisions and achievements.

A child or teenager with high self-esteem can also cope with positive and negative emotions. Positive self-esteem is important because when people experience it, they feel better about themselves, are effective and productive, and respond to themselves and others in a healthy, positive way. They know that they are loved and capable, they can take care of themselves and their loved ones. They don’t have to build their own self by making others feel bad. You could even say that self-esteem is the main key to success in life.

Parent and teenager’s self-confidence – how to support a teenager in building self-esteem and self-confidence?

How can low self-esteem manifest in a teenager? These are i.a. self-destructive behavior, relationship problems, anti-social attitudes, or the use of drugs and alcohol to help cope with everyday anxiety. A child or teenager with low self-esteem will be afraid of trying new things, blame himself for his own shortcomings, and be easily influenced by others. Don’t ignore the signs of low self-esteem in your teenage child. Instead, actively seek out ways to help him build his confidence.

These inner beliefs and opinions do not change overnight. However, there are steps you can take to help your teen break out of negative thinking and promote their self-esteem. The Teen Confidence 2021 study [1] commissioned by Align Technology in Poland shows that parents are determined to help their children increase their self-confidence. What’s more, over 60 percent. surveyed parents believe that their role in this area is huge, and more than 80 percent. takes steps to help your teen build self-confidence in many ways, for example by showing them love and support. Among the most common ways of building self-esteem in adolescents, parents also mention help in gaining new life experiences, conducting open conversations and giving them more confidence in the matter of performing responsible activities.

Parent-teenager communication should be based on frequent, honest conversations. It is them that greatly affect the well-being of a teenager. Teenagers perfectly remember the positive and negative messages we send to them. So don’t be frugal in praise, even in the presence of family or friends. Also try to emphasize their positive character traits. Avoid criticism that is intended to embarrass or ridicule the teenager. Also, don’t let your “take out the trash” requests turn into messages like “you always forget your responsibilities, you are lazy”.

Also show interest in your teen – his life, friends or hobbies. Even if you hate the music he listens to and disapprove of his TV / computer habit, understand that it is important to him and find a way to show your interest. Even if you feel like you have nothing to do with your teenage child, create some common ground or at least make talking to you safe and comfortable for both parties.

If your teen has problems (such as anxiety, depression, or other health conditions) that go beyond self-esteem, seek professional help. You, as a parent, have a significant influence on your adolescent’s perception of himself as an independent individual.

Teenagers’ self-confidence and the condition of their teeth

Oral health has a significant impact on overall health and well-being, and during adolescence, facial features and appearance play a major role in how you perceive your own appearance. Research conducted by Align Technology shows that 88 percent. parents are aware that a teenager’s appearance is related to his sense of self-confidence.

Common oral problems such as malocclusion, tooth injuries, tooth loss or untreated carious lesions can greatly affect a teenager’s self-esteem, thus affecting their quality of life. A large proportion of teenagers (as much as 56%) ask their parents for orthodontic treatment themselves. However, if you find that your teen is avoiding smiling due to a crooked bite, for example, or is lacking in confidence, then it might be a good time to check if he or she has a negative image of himself.

Neglect can affect our children’s confidence in the future. So let’s try to do everything to make them enter adulthood confident, with their heads held high. The survey shows that 9 out of 10 Polish parents believe that the appearance of their teenage child’s smile influences their self-confidence. It is us, parents, who are responsible for the health of our children and the health of their oral cavity at this stage of life.

Orthodontic treatment is one of the most effective ways to improve the shape of your smile when your teen is dissatisfied with his teeth. Currently, you can use various methods of this type of treatment – from traditional fixed appliances, aesthetic appliances to lingual appliances placed on the inside of the teeth. On the other hand, one of the most modern types of orthodontic treatment is bite correction with the use of transparent overlays, the so-called aligners.

Orthodontic trays are individually adjusted to the shape of the patient’s teeth, thanks to which it is possible to achieve an even, beautiful smile. It is also a very aesthetic, discreet alternative to traditional orthodontic appliances. They work from the first time you put them on, they are not as bothersome as traditional braces, and the first effects can be seen after just a few weeks of wearing them. A good example of this type of solution is treatment with the Invisalign system, which can be used not only by adults, but also by children and teenagers. Is it a good solution for young patients? We asked our expert, orthodontist, Michał Tarnawski, MD, PhD about this:

I believe that Invisalign aligners are a very good solution for teenagers, young people entering adulthood – the only condition is the teenager’s willingness to undergo treatment and follow the recommendations of the orthodontist. Compared to traditional orthodontic appliances, maintaining proper and thorough hygiene is much easier with the use of overlays. This does not mean, however, that using traditional orthodontic appliances, maintaining good oral hygiene is not possible – but it is much more difficult.

Invisalign overlays have changed the smiles of over 11 million patients around the world. Find out more at

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