How to form a habit in 21 days using the simplest methods

Hello my dear readers! We live, improve and constantly want to change something in our lives. Do you know the feeling when you want something new? Sweater, phone, chocolate? Or maybe a lifestyle? Material desires are very easy to fulfill. But changing lifestyles, habits and attitudes is a much more difficult question. But today we will figure out how much a habit is developed and where to start.

21 day theory

I think many of you have heard that it takes three weeks to form a habit. If this is true, then you can radically change your life in a short time.

However, is this true? Will such a short period of time be enough? And how long does it take to form a habit? First, figure out what a habit is and what kind of habit a person has.

And we will go further.

Habit Research

How to form a habit in 21 days using the simplest methods

The theory itself sounds like this: if you do something regularly for 21 days, then this action is postponed in the subconscious and then performed automatically. Thus, people quit smoking, lose weight, acquire hobbies. Don’t believe? Search the search engine for reviews of this theory. But not now, but after you read the article. Scientists have worked hard on this issue, trying to prove the veracity of the theory. People who undergo plastic surgery get used to their new look in 21-25 days.

But the stunning experiment with astronauts breaks all doubts. A group of 20 people wore glasses that turned everything upside down for 21 days. As a result, the human brain adapted and began to perceive the world around us normally as if nothing had happened.

How the process goes: from formation to sustainability

However, there is a small nuance. In 21 days, a habit can only be formed. But it will take 90 days for it to become sustainable. Moreover, if you break even for one day, you will have to start all over again. You need to be patient and come up with motivation.

The following is very important! You will get used to doing something new only when you understand the benefits of it. If you start playing sports just because it is fashionable, nothing will come of it. But when you realize that your health will become better from this and you will feel more cheerful, then playing sports will become a character trait and will enter your lifestyle.

Conclusion: any habit should be useful and bring pleasure, physical and moral.

Let’s say you decide to run in the morning from tomorrow. But forcing yourself to do this is not so easy! After all, it is almost impossible to drastically change your daily schedule. Therefore, let’s figure out what methods you can develop and strengthen a new habit and how to work on yourself further.

7 Methods to Form a New Habit

How to form a habit in 21 days using the simplest methods

Working on new skills requires perseverance and self-control. One desire is not enough. There are several methods to help simplify the task:


Deciding to do something is already a big step. Don’t set goals that will drastically change your lifestyle. First, tell yourself what you will try. And if you don’t like it in 21 days, you stop doing it. So the efficiency of working on yourself will increase significantly.


If you want to change something, but haven’t decided exactly what it is, make a list of options. Then, next to each, write down its benefits and think about whether it will be necessary for you and whether it will bring pleasure. Choose the one you want and start with the easiest.

3. Plan

To do something, it is important to know how. Make a detailed action plan.

4. Visualization

This is a must when working on a new habit. It will be easier for you if you depict your achievements on paper. You will see what you have achieved and how much is left. Any method will do: notes on the phone, a notepad, and even a poster on the floor of the wall.


In order for the subconscious mind to quickly adopt new skills and actions, try to perform them at the same time every day.

6. Perseverance

It has already been said that after the time has passed, you can quit mastering the skill if it does not suit you. But you can not do this after a couple of days and even a week. After all, only in three weeks at least you will understand yours or not. So be patient and be patient again! At the same time, test your willpower.


To achieve a goal, a simple “I want” is not enough. You need motivation to have something to please yourself. For example, promise to buy yourself something after 21 days. Or give yourself small gifts every day — candy or a trip to a cafe.


How to form a habit in 21 days using the simplest methods

 As you can see, change for the better is real. This does not require much time, but the desire and understanding that this is for your good is required.

And in order to know what habits are better to acquire, I recommend reading the article: “TOP 10 habits of the richest, strong and successful people that will change your life”

It is also important to work on your motivation. After all, having encouragement, work is easier. The theory proves that it is possible not only to acquire good habits, but also to get rid of bad ones. More on this in the article on the most effective methods of getting rid of the influence of bad habits.

And that’s all. I wish you well and success! Try to get a habit and write in the comments what you did. Interested in your opinion and practical experience.

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