How to forgive an insult: good advice, quotes, videos

How to forgive an insult: good advice, quotes, videos

😉 Welcome new and regular readers! How to forgive an insult? Friends, I hope this short article will give you an answer to this question.

How to get rid of resentment

Forgiving is very difficult. But this is the only way out that allows you to live in peace, with a light soul. Resentment, if she took possession of a person, can very quickly destroy and derail his life and fate. The main thing is to make a firm decision to let her go. You are free to end your suffering yourself.

Sometimes the one who offended you is not 100% to blame. You, too, bear some of the blame and you are not an innocent victim, but a participant in the events. But everything that you worry about now is in the past!

What is resentment?

Each person sees life in his own way. Through my own prism. And if people act contrary to our expectations, we are offended. This is a negatively colored feeling, it includes the experience of anger towards the offender and self-pity.

It is an evil that destroys body and soul if it is not destroyed. These are conflicts in relationships, a touchy person is a cross on a happy personal life.

Illness from resentment

Resentment does not go away by itself. Our body remembers them and we start to get sick.

How to forgive an insult: good advice, quotes, videos

Traditional treatment only brings temporary relief. Patients change doctors, complain about medicine. In fact, a simultaneous treatment of body and soul is necessary.

In medicine, there is a separate section – “psychosomatics” (from the Greek psycho – soul, soma – body). The science of how psychological factors affect our health.

Hidden and unforgiven grievances can cause many illnesses. It’s even worse when resentments keep piling up.

  • grievances lead to cancer, touchy, vindictive people are more likely to get sick and live less than good-natured people;
  • excess weight. From experiences, a person finds positive emotions in food;
  • offended people “carry offense” in their hearts, “offense is like a stone in the soul” – heart diseases;
  • people who “swallow” offense silently, without letting it out, are susceptible to diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

 Ways to forgive an offense:

  1. Have a heart-to-heart talk with the person who offended you. Share your feelings. Come to a common agreement.
  2. Discuss your problem with loved ones. Ask for advice.
  3. If you are a believer, go to a priest for confession.
  4. A convenient excuse is Forgiveness Sunday, when you can ask for forgiveness and forgiveness.
  5. The most efficient way! Buy a balloon. As you inflate it, breathe out all the hurt and pain from yourself. Imagine that this ball is your offense. Let him go to the sky! Everything! Victory! You are free!

By forgiving others and asking for forgiveness, we improve our health. We have a hope that they will forgive us too, because there are no ideal people.

Remember when everything is going well for you, a wonderful mood, and suddenly someone on the street said something or pushed you. Will you be offended? Will you notice this? Will this be valuable to you?

After all, if we do not want to be offended, then you will not offend us, no matter how hard you try. The word to be offended comes from the two words “offend yourself”, and in short “take offense”


  • “As soon as a person gets sick, he needs to look in his heart for someone to forgive. Louise Hay
  • “One of the most useful life skills is the ability to quickly forget all the bad things. Do not get hung up on troubles, do not revel in irritation, do not harbor anger. You shouldn’t drag various rubbish into your soul ”.
  • “One of the secrets of a long and fruitful life is to grant forgiveness to all people every night before going to bed.” E. Landers
  • “From the fact that you are offended it does not yet follow that you are right.” Ricky Gervais

Additional information to the article in this video ↓

Sermon on grievances and their consequences

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