How to forget about stomach cramps
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Abdominal pain is perhaps the most common complaint in both children and adults. If the pain is localized in the navel, then we are talking about intestinal colic. If such painful sensations are observed often, first of all, you should reconsider nutrition – pay attention to its regularity and diet, increase physical activity and minimize stress. Let us dwell in more detail on the causes of intestinal colic and how to deal with it.
The rhythm of a modern metropolis dictates its own rules. Unfortunately, residents of a big city do not always have enough time for themselves. Tough deadlines, stress, attempts to combine work and family – all this inevitably affects the state of health.
The human body, like a musical instrument, requires a careful attitude and is sensitive to any external changes. The intestine is responsible in the body not only for digestion, but also for immunity, since about 700 species of various bacteria live in it – they provide up to 70% of immunity. And any imbalance can shatter the intestinal microflora, causing not only painful sensations, but also a whole bunch of unpleasant symptoms: loud bubbling in the stomach, flatulence and problems with stools.
How to avoid stomach storms?
To avoid possible problems with the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), several rules should be followed.
- Watch your diet. Nutritionists unanimously say that it is much more beneficial to eat small meals 5 times a day than to swallow large portions of food just a couple of times a day. Yes, industrial necessity often dictates to stay longer at the workplace. But this does not at all exclude the possibility of drinking a glass of kefir or eating a handful of nuts while you are writing a report.
- Avoid food junk. Start the morning right – with carbohydrate foods, and let it be better porridge. We don’t even stutter about burgers – we are only talking about healthy complex carbohydrates. Believe me, a small bowl of rolled oats is free enough to live 3 hours without thinking about food. And then you can have a light snack – for example, dried fruit. Lunch should be warm and preferably non-carbohydrate. Soup works well – this will allow you to eat a third less than if you choose the second course. Or you can eat boiled fish with vegetables. And no desserts. For dinner, it’s best to cook something protein like meat. Just do not combine it with bread or potatoes: protein and carbohydrates are a bad tandem.
- Take homemade food with you. In addition to being able to showcase your culinary skills to your colleagues, taking your lunchbox with you from home will help you feel confident about the quality of your lunch. After all, who knows what is going on in the kitchen of a nearby cafe: is the cook healthy today, have the products been bought fresh, are the dishes well washed and what kind of animals live there?
- Drink water. Everything is simple here: 1,5-2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day for the body to function properly. Tea, coffee do not count – only clean water.
- Move. The abdominal muscles perform a massage function, improving intestinal motility. A sedentary lifestyle atrophies these muscles, and the intestines also begin to function less well. Therefore, find a gym near your home (some of them work until the night), or download a Pilates training course to your computer.
- Failed – help the body! If the previous advice did not help and you still overeat, a real storm has begun inside you, or your stomach just grabbed, it’s time to get into the first-aid kit – delay can threaten the failure of all plans for the next day. In this case, it is worth remembering about Neobutin® – an innovative domestic remedy for abdominal pain. Its action is based on the normalization of the sensitivity of the intestinal internal neurons, the elimination of spasm and the normalization of peristalsis. Neobutin® eliminates the very cause of pain, preventing its recurrence. Its effect is felt within 20 minutes.
The drug can be used to eliminate pain in the abdomen not only in adults, but also in children over 3 years old. Neobutin® will help out the whole family!