How to fly to the moon: the most popular space searches

April 12 marks the 60th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s flight into space. “Yandex” found out what users most often asked about the “space” topic over the past year. The popularity of queries was rated on a 100-point scale

About Gagarin

Popular queries with question words and the last name Gagarin, set by Russian Yandex users from March 12, 2020 to March 12, 2021:

  • [in what year Gagarin flew into space] – 100 points
  • [how Gagarin died] – 64 points
  • [how long Gagarin’s flight lasted] – 20 points
  • [where Gagarin landed] – 13 points
  • [where Gagarin was born] – 11 points
  • [what was the name of Gagarin’s spaceship] – 5 points
  • [when Gagarin was born] – 5 points
  • [what medal Gagarin received after the flight into space] – 4 points
  • [which city was renamed Gagarin in 1968] – 3 points
  • [when Gagarin’s wife died] – 3 points
  • [what was Yuri Gagarin’s call sign] – 3 points
  • [who flew into space before Gagarin] – 2 points
  • [who is Gagarin] – 2 points
  • [what Gagarin said when he flew into space] – 2 points
  • [how old was Gagarin when he flew into space] – 2 points
  • [how many times Gagarin flew around the earth] – 2 points
  • [who was Gagarin’s understudy] – 1 point
  • [where Gagarin studied] – 1 point
  • [on which spaceship Gagarin flew] – 1 point

By the way, among the requests with the words “how much in space”, the question “how much Gagarin was in space” turned out to be the most popular (100 points).

As for photographs, users are most interested in pictures of Gagarin with his family (100 points), in a spacesuit (44 points) and in space (29 points).

The most popular requests for “firsts” in space concern the first flight into space (100 points) and the first man in outer space (40 points).

What else to read on the topic:

  • Space conspiracy: who was the first astronaut
  • Spacewalk: where in our country you can look at the stars

About astronauts

Popular queries with the words “why”, “why” and “cosmonauts”, set by Russian users of Yandex search in the period from March 12, 2020 to March 12, 2021:

  • [why do astronauts fly into space] – 100 points
  • [why astronauts watch the film white sun of the desert before the flight] – 95 points
  • [why does an astronaut need a spacesuit] – 51 points
  • [why astronauts can’t walk after landing] – 46 points
  • [why only girls are born to astronauts] – 30 points
  • [why do astronauts strap themselves to the bed] – 11 points
  • [why astronauts don’t fly to the moon] – 7 points
  • [why do astronauts need weapons] – 7 points
  • [why astronauts call the earth blue] – 6 points

Among other things, users are also interested in “how do astronauts go to the toilet in space” (100 points), “what was the name of the ship on which Gagarin made the first flight into space” (73 points) and “what was the name of the first dog in space” (46 points). The no less interesting requests about how time passes in space (38 points) and how to fly into space (35 points) fell a little short of the top.

The most popular spaceport, which is searched on the Internet, was Plesetsk (100 points). Vostochny (67 points) and Baikonur (49 points) are also in the top three. The top request about cosmodromes also concerns Plesetsk: “what is the ritual at the cosmodrome in Plesetsk when sending a rocket into space” (100 points). Well, the second most popular request concerns Gagarin: “from which cosmodrome Gagarin started” (91 points). And here is an option that, although it didn’t make it to the top, has a funny wording: “where a false wooden cosmodrome was built near Baikonur” (1 point).

What else to read on the topic:

  • Space conspiracy: what is the lunar scam
  • Mars is getting closer: three technologies for life on other space objects
  • Space tourism: what you need to know

About planets and stars

Popular queries with the words “planet” and “what”, set by Russian users of Yandex search in the period from March 12, 2020 to March 12, 2021:

  • [which of the giant planets comes closest to the earth] – 100 points
  • [what planet has life other than earth] – 63 points
  • [on which planet a day equals a year] – 52 points
  • [which planet rotates lying on its side] – 44 points
  • [on which planets there is no change of seasons] – 43 points
  • [on which planet is the highest mountain in the solar system] – 42 points
  • [which planet has the highest temperature] – 36 points
  • [what planet does it rain diamonds on] – 28 points
  • [on which planet the greenhouse effect is observed] – 28 points
  • [on which of the planets there is a large red spot] – 25 points

The most popular planets were Pluto (100 points), Venus (88 points) and Uranus (81 points).

Popular queries with question words and the word “star”, set by Russian users from March 11, 2020 to March 11, 2021:

  • [what constellation is the polar star in] – 100 points
  • [how to find the north star] – 74 points
  • [what is the brightest star in the earth’s sky] – 72 points
  • [what determines the color of the star] – 60 points
  • [what is the name of the nearest star to us] – 56 points
  • [what determines the luminosity of a star] – 53 points
  • [what is the difference between a star and a planet] – 38 points
  • [how to determine the distance to the stars] – 36 points
  • [how to distinguish an asteroid from a star] – 35 points
  • [how many stars in the galaxy] – 34 points

As for the Sun, users want to know where it rises (100 points) and how old it is (92 points).

If we talk about the Moon, then users are interested in how much to fly to it (100 points). Interestingly, many people also ask how much a plot on the Moon costs (17 points).

What else to read on the topic:

  • Conquest of Mars: the history and future of space programs
  • What life would look like on Mars
  • What if not Mars: where you can “move” within the solar system
  • Signs of life have been found on Venus. Is she inhabited?
  • Colonization of Mars: why nothing has happened so far

About space

Popular queries with question words and the word “space”, set by Russian users from March 8, 2020 to March 8, 2021:

  • [what is the first space velocity] – 100 points
  • [who invented the space rocket] – 80 points
  • [what space bodies form the solar system] – 58 points
  • [what tasks do space troops solve] – 56 points
  • [on what trajectories do spacecraft move to the moon to the planets] – 29 points
  • [what is a reliable protector of a person from cosmic radiation] – 24 points
  • [how many minutes Gagarin’s space flight lasted] – 23 points
  • [why it is more profitable to launch space rockets from west to east] – 15 points
  • [which celestial bodies of the solar system have already been approached by spacecraft] – 15 points
  • [a layer of what gas protects the earth from cosmic radiation] – 13 points
  • [how the landing of the spacecraft is carried out] – 10 points
  • [what happens to space debris] – 9 points
  • [in what year did a person first cross the border of outer space] – 7 points

Usually people are looking for information about space velocity (100 points), rockets (87 points) and vehicles (68 points).

What else to read on the topic:

  • Business in space: entrepreneurs spoke about trends and the future of the industry
  • Astronauts filmed a UFO again: we explain the most famous pictures from space
  • Starlink: how high-speed Internet conquers space
  • What is a space elevator and when will it be built?

About “cosmic”

Popular queries with question words and the word “space”, set by Russian users from March 8, 2020 to March 8, 2021 (excluding queries related to astronautics):

  • [how to draw or make a spaceship out of paper] – 100 points
  • [what is the name of the space pirates who exterminated all the talkers] – 91 points
  • [how spaceships roam the universe] – 76 points
  • [space eggs for easter] – 66 points
  • [what was the name of the spaceship alice’s journey] – 41 points
  • [which is repeatedly announced by the bell aboard the International Space Station] – 22 points
  • [what is the name of Alice’s space cow] – 17 points
  • [how to make a space cake] – 8 points
  • [which cosmic body gold was associated with in antiquity] – 8 points
  • [what aliens and spaceships dream of] – 7 points

Users also worry about “what will happen to a person in space without a space suit” (100 points), “what will happen if you fall into a black hole in space” (41 points) and “what will happen if you shoot in space” (19 points).

But in the category of requests with the words “how” and “space”, users were interested in how to draw space (100 points).

What else to read on the topic:

  • Cosmic Conspiracy: Is the Earth Flat?
  • Edible packaging and solar sail: novelties of space eco-technologies
  • Space conspiracy: contact with aliens
  • Terraforming: is it possible to change the climate on the planets

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