How to find yourself or where to start personal growth

Greetings, dear readers of the blog. Today we will talk about how to find yourself and not stop there. In this article, I will tell you how to start personal growth and share interesting life hacks.

What is the relationship between personal growth and responsibility?

How often do you see flashing ads “sign up for training online”? Or do you get mind-blowing offers to attend webinars, conferences, offline seminars? Do you respond to these proposals or pass by?

The most popular answer goes something like this: Where do I get this time from? What, I have nothing to do? I’d rather watch the new episode of Game of Thrones or go to the store for a snack with strong drinks.

Of course, I described the extreme. However, I often notice that people are not ready to develop and work on themselves.

Personal growth is exactly the work on yourself, for which you take responsibility.

In personal growth will help:

  • Development of existing skills. Gain more experience, become an expert in your field.
  • Learning something radically new. It can be learning any skills with which you will earn extra money. Or is it just a hobby, passion, a way of leisure.
  • Deepening into other branches of the sphere in which you are. For example, taking up another sport or dance, new ways of knitting or creating websites.

There are plenty of options for what to do. But before you start the process of self-development, find yourself.

You can read about the most effective methods of self-development in a previously published article. Here is the link: 9 Best Self-Development Ways to Make a Difference in Your Life.

How to find yourself?

How to find yourself or where to start personal growth

Do you ever feel like you have neither the strength nor the desire to do something? When hands drop and you want to run away to the dense forest away from the outside world. Congratulations, you are on the right track! This is the best state for rethinking the point where you are and working on yourself. Sometimes you need to be in such a mood to remember why we live, what is the mission before each of us and what is our destiny.

In order not to plunge into a philosophical state for a long period, reduce the distance from thought to action. As soon as you learn to settle down in time, you will feel a surge of energy and strength.

So, back to finding yourself.

It is difficult to find the sphere of self-development if you have absolutely no ideas and, moreover, a clear plan, as in school. But it’s possible with:

  1. Doing what you love.
  2. Trial and error method.

 I am what I do

If you know what you like to do, that’s great! In this case, you just need to work with discipline and learn how to regularly set aside time for personal growth.

Do not be alarmed if this case seems strange to everyone and no one is doing it. Take a look around: someone makes a video about their life because they like it. As a result, these video bloggers are already performing on the radio, giving interviews and even acting in films. Advice they give to beginners:

“We only advanced because we don’t play. It is our life. We love it: shoot and show off.”

Or you sit in the office and have nothing to do, draw caricatures of bosses. If this brings you pleasure, develop in this direction, find hangouts of like-minded people and get positive emotions from communicating with them.

Try it — you won’t go wrong

How to find yourself or where to start personal growth

If nothing “rushes” you at all, sit down and generate ideas, which, in principle, would be interesting for you to do on an ongoing basis. Be sure to write everything down on a sheet.

It is easier for girls in this matter, since almost everyone loves to lose weight, eat right, keep fit or do needlework.

For guys, there are also win-win options in the form of sports, programming or repair.

You invent, try to do and observe your state: like / dislike, what you feel in the process, what thoughts arise, etc. If you understand that this is clearly not your thing, move on to the next lesson from the list.

Remember the most important thing: development should be fun. Never force yourself to do something you don’t like. Thus, you will develop complexes and diseases for yourself.

To think is to exist

Everyone knows the famous saying of Rene Descartes:

“I think, therefore I am”

Indeed, the ability to think is truly amazing! Did you know that with the help of thoughts you can build a new reality?

According to the visualization technique, which is discussed in detail in the film “The Secret”, first of all, you need to change the thoughts in your head. First thought, then action. You can learn more about visualization at this link.

How are personal growth and visualization connected — you ask. It is important to think in the direction in which you develop. Analyze what has already been done, think about plans and prospects.

Only thanks to thoughts you will be able to assess the point at which you are and decide which vector to move on. This is the process of personal growth.

Do business

How to find yourself or where to start personal growth

There is nothing more powerful than action. It’s like a joke:

— God, well, make sure that I win a lottery ticket.

— I don’t mind, but you buy it first!

An old joke that very accurately shows how a person works. He wants to win without playing, lose weight without trying, and grow as a person without overexerting himself.

If you have chosen the path of self-development, have taken responsibility for the Universe and yourself, do not go out of your way. I won’t stop saying:

Only action will lead to results!

Thoughts, textbooks and trainings on personal growth are just tools.

Throw out of your head the thought that someone will condemn you and not understand. On the contrary, know that you will certainly be condemned and few will understand. Because not everyone is ready to pay for training in specially created personality development programs and walk in this direction to the end. But if you want to be interesting for yourself and society — work on yourself!

Maybe lack of discipline? The previously published article will help you. Here is the link: 5 rules for building self-discipline skills and the ability to implement them”


That’s all I wanted to tell you today. If you have something to add — leave your comments. I am very interested in what thoughts and associations you had while reading my post. What else would you advise to those who do not believe in personal growth and consider it a waste of time?

If the article was interesting, recommend it to your friends. Let’s make the world a little kinder together!

See you soon on the blog pages. Subscribe to updates to keep abreast of my new publications.


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