There is a place on the planet for each of us where we can feel free and happy. It can be an old dacha outside the city, and a secluded sea bay, and even a bench in your favorite park. Taoist sages are sure that places of power give us energy: you just need to know how to get it.
Surely, next to some people you feel good and calm, but when communicating with others, you are nervous, although there seems to be no reason for alarm. The same can be said about the different places where we find ourselves throughout life. Somewhere we are comfortable, somewhere uncomfortable. Places of power are those geographical areas or locations where people feel empowered. Sometimes this or that point attracts a huge number of visitors. No wonder many people dream of looking at the Altai Mountains, Lake Baikal, dolmens of the Krasnodar Territory.
Taoist sages believe that it’s all about “energy vibrations.” In those points that we call “places of power”, they are very active. And this has an explanation: some people are able to leave their energy trace where they lived or stayed for a long time. They share joy or inner peace with others even through the ages. They give us their strength and energy for renewal.
The phenomenon of Lama Itigelov
In 1927, the legendary Buryat lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov bequeathed to his students to “visit” his body after 75 years and plunged into nirvana. When the sarcophagus was opened, it turned out that the body remained incorrupt.
In 2002, Itigelov’s sarcophagus was transferred to the Ivolginsky datsan monastery, the center of Sangha Buddhism in Russia. The students and students of my School of Healing Practices and I were recently invited there for group meditation. During this practice, we experienced an unforgettable experience, discovered new opportunities, hidden potential. Why did it happen to us there?
Remember, we talked about the fact that next to a specific person we become more cheerful, calmer, easier? Such people do not do anything special, they simply “broadcast” their mood to others. Meditation teachers learn to create such a “field”. First, they learn to meditate, to maintain inner silence, not clouded by dialogues with themselves, and then they acquire the skill of “sharing” this state.
That is why it is much easier for beginners to practice in the presence of a teacher: he shares his own silence in the same way that some people bring us a sense of celebration without any reason.
But Itigelov practiced meditation all his life, and his body was literally “saturated” with this state. Even after his death, energy vibrations remained in our reality and help others tune in to practices.
All places of power are “charged” in this way.
Practice in places of power
Finding your own place of power is easier than you think. For this, it is not necessary to go to distant lands. Remember: where do you feel better, calmer, happier? Perhaps it’s just a field behind a cottage or a park next to the house.
If there are places in the world where you personally feel good for no reason, or you know such “general” powerful places, you can learn to benefit from them. To do this, try to perform the simplest meditation in such a place: close your eyes, relax your tongue and turn your attention to breathing. Don’t try to breathe faster or slower. Just track every inhalation and exhalation – this will help slow down the flow of thoughts, hear the inner silence. As a rule, in places of power, such a state can be reached very quickly.
Thus, you use the resource of this place and discover something new for yourself. After all, it is in silence that ingenious discoveries and works of art are born: they come to us from where there are no annoying thoughts. From somewhere where our true self hides.