How to find the causes of allergies?

If you are not sure what caused the allergy, you will be tested for a mixture of the most common provocateurs, and then the range of suspected substances will be narrowed down. Allergens are calculated using skin tests such as intradermal or skin prick tests. In some cases, a blood test for specific immunoglobulins is performed.

1. Skin tests

Various allergens are applied to the hand with drops, then rubbed, scratched, pierced so that the substance penetrates deeper and begins to “work”. After that, the reaction of the skin is studied. A serious allergen not only reacts strongly, but also quickly.

The study can be carried out only 2-3 weeks after the allergy symptoms have disappeared. Moreover, antihistamines should not be taken already a week before the study.

2. Blood test samples

When an allergy occurs, the body begins to produce immunoglobulin E (IgE). In a healthy person, its amount is extremely small and does not exceed 100 IU / ml. A blood test is an easy way to diagnose a problem and is also very convenient. The test is performed in cases where skin tests are not possible – for example, in young children, with dermatitis or very sensitive skin.

By the way, in this way, you can find out whether you are allergic in principle. It is possible that the allergy will not be confirmed, but another disease will be revealed. For example, a milk rash is sometimes attributed to a lack of enzymes. Also psoriasis, fungal skin infections, chronic bronchitis, pancreatic diseases, intestinal dysbiosis, etc. are similar to allergies.

3. Provocative test

A more serious study, which is rarely prescribed, in cases where routine tests do not confirm an allergy to a suspected substance. In the course of this diagnosis, a so-called provocative nasal test is used: an allergen is sprayed into the nose in the form of a spray. Such studies are carried out only in a hospital.

What you need to know about allergy testing

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