How to find out the truth: six psychological tricks

How to find out the truth: six psychological tricks

😉 Greetings to my readers! Gentlemen, does a person always need to know the truth? After all, there are situations about which they say: “A lie to salvation.” This is when the lie does not harm anyone. And the answer to it is, perhaps, much easier than to the question: “How to find out the truth?”

How to recognize a lie: psychological tricks

In everyday life, we are often deceived. Moreover, a lie can be both insignificant and very large.

How to get a person to tell the truth? This question is often asked by educators, psychologists, police officers, businessmen and specialists in many other fields of profession. Such situations also arise in the family. Husband-wife, parents-children.

Knowing simple psychological tricks will help buy time when solving various life problems, and will also facilitate the process of finding out the details of the situation. Some of them.

Sudden question

The process of applying this technique can be as follows. You call the interlocutor for a confidential conversation, talk to him gently and kindly, showing in every possible way that you are on his side. Suddenly you ask the question, as they say, “head-on”, that is, unexpectedly.

It is advisable to turn up the volume of the voice so that other participants in the conversation who are interested in a truthful answer can hear it. And then your interlocutor will have no opportunity to avoid answering.


This method is very effective when you know that you are afraid of losing your interlocutor. For example, for a child it is the deprivation of a computer, for a friend it is a loss of friendship. For the one who has committed a crime for the first time – a description of all the delights of prison life, etc.

Note that if you said “A”, you should say “B” as well, because empty promises will not lead to a positive result. And they will lie to you next time.

I know the truth!

This method works when you are 90% sure that you know the truth. But you want to hear confirmation of your suspicions from the interviewer. For example, you can say that you heard him tell the details of the deception in a dream. This technique is good because it helps to maintain friendship and family.

Non-standard question

Formulate the question in a special way. Make it up in such a way that there are several answers.

Clarifying questions

Ask your interlocutor as much as possible about the details of the incident. For example, these can be questions “Why?”, “Why?” “What colour…?” other. There should be no pauses between them, so that there is no way to navigate and come up with a new version.

Different wording

Ask the question differently. A person, repeatedly telling about the situation, will still someday give out other details that can push you to the pure truth.


Learn more in this video: How to find out the truth


😉 Friends, now you know how to find out the truth. Some will be helped by one of them, but someone will have to sweat enough and show maximum tact and patience in order to get the cherished truth. Share this information on social media.

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