How to find hidden wiring in the wall of an apartment with and without a device

The article talks about several ways to detect hidden wiring in the wall of an apartment or other room, a review of useful devices for carrying out the relevant work.

The Benefits of Flush Mounted Wiring

Very often, when starting repairs in an apartment or house, there is a problem associated with electrical wiring.

In very old dwellings, you can still find the external location of the wires, that is, they are simply fixed on the wall.

In this case, tracking the location of the wiring is not difficult, since it is visible.

But the practice of such laying of wires has long been abandoned in favor of flush mounting, in which the cables are laid in special strobes, after which they are sealed.

This is due to banal security – an invisible wire cannot be accidentally damaged, but only if nothing is done to the wall.

When might wiring location information be required?

During repairs, drilling of walls is often required, and this is where hidden wiring becomes a problem, especially if the cables have been laid for a long time and there is simply no plan for electrifying the room.

In order not to damage the wiring during work, you should know its location.

In general, such information may be required if:

  • Re-planning of the electrification of the premises (changing the location of sockets, switches, etc.);
  • Redevelopment of the premises itself (making new openings – door, window);
  • Problems with wiring (break or short circuit);
  • Improving the interior by hanging various appliances and furniture on the walls.

In the case of a replacement, it is not necessary to know the location of the wiring, since the old one will still be removed, so the network of the house is de-energized, and then the wires are simply pulled out of the strobes (they are usually plastered, and it is not difficult to pull them out), after which the circuit will be perfectly visible.

And then it’s up to the owner to decide whether to lay a new cable in old strobes or cut new ones.

Information about the location of the wiring in the walls is most often required when carrying out drilling work.

Next, consider what can be done to determine where the cables run in the wall if there is no room layout.

See also:

Let’s turn to the source

Many people know that according to the PUE, cables are laid only at right angles.

That is, the wiring is not located along the shortest path, it should only pass strictly horizontally or vertically, and the change in direction is done at an angle of 90 degrees.

This information is not enough to determine where the cable is laid, but in the future it will help to at least roughly understand in which direction to look for the wires from the outlet or junction box.

Special devices and their principles of operation

To identify hidden wiring, you can use special electrical appliances – finders, which are quite enough on the electrical goods market.

It is noteworthy that such devices use different principles of operation, which is why they have their own advantages and disadvantages.

So, you can buy seekers:

  • Electrostatic. The operation of such devices is based on capturing the electromagnetic field that is formed in the cables when an electric current passes through them. Devices using this principle of operation are among the most common and inexpensive. They allow you to accurately find hidden wiring, provided that the walls under investigation are dry and not damp, and there are no metal structures in them;
  • Electromagnetic wiring finders. They have the same principle of determination as that of electrostatic ones, that is, they determine the presence of an electromagnetic field. But they have one feature – the wiring to be found must be under load, and it must be at least 1 kW. Therefore, before searching, you must first plug something into the outlet, for example, an electric kettle, and then determine the location of the cable;
  • metal detectors. The peculiarity of such a device is that it itself creates an electromagnetic field. In this case, the metal that has fallen into the zone of action of this field will cause its change, to which the device will respond. This device is convenient in that it does not require powering the wires. But at the same time, it will react to all metal elements in the wall – nails, screws, wire, etc. Professional models, unlike amateur ones, can determine what kind of metal is hidden in the wall, which greatly facilitates the search.

Combined devices are also produced that use several operating principles at the same time, which increases the accuracy of the determination.

In addition, often such devices have additional functions that significantly expand their scope.

For example, the finder can additionally help in determining the location of a broken wire or ground, searching for a phase wire, etc.

Wiring finders

Below are several types of devices that the market currently offers.


The first device is called “Search” and it looks like this.

This device uses the electrostatic principle of hidden wiring detection.

It has 4 sensitivity modes, is able to detect a cable at a depth of up to 7 cm. Light and sound indication is used for notification.

It has a number of additional functions, it is very easy to use – select the mode (the 4th is used to search for wiring) and drive the device along the wall.

Note that certain factors can affect its operation (presence of metal objects, high humidity of the wall).

In general, “Search” is quite an acceptable and inexpensive option for detecting wiring, but it does not apply to professional devices.

A large number of analogues of such a device are produced – the same “Woodpecker”, SPO and a number of others.


The second device – MAG-2 is as follows.

See also:

It is combined and uses electrostatic and electromagnetic principles for detection.

It has two modes of operation – to detect a powered network without load, and with load.

Alarm – light and sound. Refers to amateur options.

LA 1012.

The next representative of the seekers is Chinese, it does not have a name, but there is a denoting index – LA 1012.

This is a more “advanced” device, equipped with displays that display all the information.

It uses the electromagnetic principle of search, has a number of additional functions.

It belongs to professional devices and is not cheap.


Multifunctional professional combined instrument.

It is a metal detector that allows you to determine not only the depth of the cable, but also the material of its manufacture.

Equipped with an information display to display all information. It can also use the electrostatic principle to search. A fairly good and high-precision device.

What else can help in finding hidden wiring

The searchers that can be purchased for personal use were discussed above.

But it often happens that you need to find the wiring only once and for this it is not advisable to spend money on a special device, but you still need to find the wiring.

indicator screwdrivers.

In this case, an indicator screwdriver can come to the rescue. It is better, of course, to buy a more modern one, for example, this is a series of Chinese indicator screwdrivers MS, which has a light and sound alarm.

But you can get by with a regular probe with an LED indicator.

They work according to the electrostatic principle, that is, they are able to detect the electromagnetic field emitted by energized wiring.

In use, they are very simple – just put your finger on a special metal window (MS indicators) or touch the tip of a screwdriver (ordinary indicator), and then simply drive the screwdriver along the wall.

In the place where the wire is laid, such indicators will begin to signal.

The disadvantages of this method of determination include a relatively small detection depth (up to 2 cm), as well as a strong error, that is, it will not work exactly where the cable lies.

It will only be possible to determine a channel with a width of 10 to 20 cm. But this is often enough to perform installation work related to drilling a wall, you only need to do everything outside the boundaries of a certain channel.


You can also use a multimeter to search.

But the device itself is not enough, you still need a field effect transistor (an excellent option is KP103). How to check a transistor with a multimeter read here

To get a finder, you need to connect these elements correctly. Such a transistor has three outputs – a drain, a source, and a gate.

We connect the probes of the multimeter, switched to ohmmeter mode, to the first two conclusions, and the polarity is unimportant.

The shutter will play the role of an antenna (which can be slightly lengthened).

Having built such a device, you can start searching – we drive the antenna along the wall and look at the readings of the multimeter – any deviations in the readings will indicate the location of the cable.


A smartphone with Mac or Android OS can also help with the identification of hidden wiring.

For them, in the app store you can find the Metal Detector program or its equivalent.

The magnetic sensor built into the smartphone, in combination with the specified software, allows you to get a metal detector that can detect a cable hidden in the wall.

But it should be borne in mind that it will react to all metal elements, so it can not be applied everywhere.

Smartphone search accuracy is sufficient to determine the channel in which the wiring is laid.

Alternative methods

visual search.

If these devices are not available, then alternative methods can be used. And the first one is visual.

In the process of sealing strobes with cables, it is far from always possible to do everything very smoothly.

Therefore, it is often possible to detect the location of the wiring along a small ledge, but for this you need to carefully consider the room, and the wallpaper will have to be removed – the wall should be “bare”.


An ordinary radio receiver, which does not need to be redone, can also help in the search. It is enough to set the frequency of 100 kHz on it. And then we take the receiver and go in search.

To detect, we drive the antenna along the wall. The cable detection signal will be an increase in noise from the speaker.

The accuracy, of course, is not high, but it is quite possible to determine the channel with the wiring.

You can also use an old tape recorder or cassette player, but for this you need to lengthen the wiring going to the magnetic head. It will be the antenna.

That is, carefully remove the head from the player, lengthen the wires, and then drive it along the wall.

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Homemade finder

Those who do not want to use improvised means and have at least a little experience in radio electronics can assemble the seeker on their own, and this will require not so many components.

The simplest device consists of the same field effect transistor, an ohmmeter (pointer), a speaker from a landline telephone and a power source.

The scheme of the device is as follows.

After connecting all the components of the circuit, everything can be “ennobled” – enclosed in a case, set to turn off or increase the number of indicators.

But we note that this device is the simplest, which means that its sensitivity is not high, although it will still allow you to detect the channel in which the cable is laid.

In general, there are a large number of schemes by which you can assemble a hidden wiring finder, with varying design complexity and operating principles.

But we believe that the above methods are quite enough to detect hidden wiring in an apartment without searching for details that are incomprehensible to many and soldering the circuit.

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