How to find a surrogate mother? Video
Surrogacy is officially allowed in Russia. In order for the child to receive a birth certificate indicating the real parents, and not the woman who bore him, it is enough to bring to the registry office a certificate from the maternity hospital, an IVF contract and a statement from the surrogate mother.
How to find a surrogate mother?
Surrogacy – what you need to know
Any woman who is suitable for health reasons can become a surrogate mother. Sister, relative, or specially hired – it doesn’t matter. An agreement is concluded with the applicant, in which the terms of payment and additional agreements are prescribed – the choice of a specific doctor who will conduct the pregnancy, a maternity hospital, etc.
When choosing a maternity hospital, pay attention first of all to the composition of the doctors, and only then to the living conditions. In addition, it is very important to have a well-equipped maternity and pediatric department with competent pediatricians.
It is rather risky to look for a surrogate mother on your own. Especially if none of the relatives is ready to take on such responsibility. There are a lot of scammers in this environment who can provide fake medical certificates, and then blackmail the parents, refusing to give up the child. Therefore, it is best to contact a specialized center. There are several of them in the country.
There you can see catalogs with photographs of potential surrogate mothers, find out their biography, meet and communicate. And then conclude an agreement. Services for bearing a child are quite expensive. Now in Moscow the minimum amount in contracts is 800 thousand rubles. And this does not include the cost of IVF and medical care during pregnancy and after childbirth. So that the whole procedure is not so expensive, you can queue up for free IVF, be monitored in a regular clinic and give birth without an additional contract. But then the birth of a long-awaited baby can drag on for years.
Under the terms of a contract with a surrogate mother, it is possible to prescribe not only the procedure for carrying a child, but also subsequent breastfeeding. This is paid separately
In vitro fertilization procedure, how it goes
After the surrogate mother is found, an IVF contract is signed. Material is taken from the future father and mother – sperm and ovum, which are combined in artificial conditions. After that, one or more fertilized eggs are implanted into the surrogate mother. For some time, until they take root, the woman is in the clinic under the supervision of doctors and takes special medications. After the pregnancy has come, she is allowed to go home, informing the schedule of examinations and tests. There will be slightly more of them than during a normal pregnancy, since embryos conceived with IVF require special control.
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