😉 Hello everyone! Friends, admit that many were surprised by the question: how to find a guy at 13 years old? But such a question is relevant today! The information will be useful for teenagers.
If 20 years ago a 13-year-old granddaughter had asked her grandmother to tell her how to find a boyfriend, it would have ended with valerian and validol.
Times have changed and girls of this age dream of meeting a modest and interesting boy. But they don’t know how to arrange it in such a way as to avoid failure. Here are some tips to help you make your girl’s secret dreams come true!
How to meet a guy
Internet search is quite popular. A huge number of specialized sites, forums and social networks will definitely help you get to know a guy. And not only for those living in the city, but even abroad.
Having decided to use this or that dating site, you just need to fill out a form and upload your photo.
Wanting to present themselves in a more advantageous way, many girls post photos of girlfriends or unfamiliar pictures of precocious girls from the Internet. They do not think at all about the consequences of such a step. So, meeting in real life from the first moment will end in disappointment for them!
This method of acquaintance is not devoid of certain risks. Naive and gullible girls, in their quest to find a boyfriend as soon as possible, do not pay attention to elementary personal safety at all.
Nobody knows who is hiding on the other side of the screen! Or maybe there is a maniac behind the image of a handsome young man? We must always remember this.
Nevertheless, despite all these caveats, the method of dating on the World Wide Web is quite common among young people. Having learned how to find a guy at the age of 13 on the Internet, you should think about using some phrases when meeting you that will make the task easier. For example:
“I looked through your photographs and was amazed at the beauty of the nature depicted on them. Are these places in our city? Let’s take a look at them again? “
“Imagine, it turned out that we like the same performer. He will come to our city next Thursday! Let’s meet and listen to him together? “
Phrases should be original and not too intrusive!
“Grandfather’s” ways of acquaintance
At all times, true friendship has been welcomed. The main thing for teenagers is “to have brains” and not to seek adventure! It’s good to have an older brother or sister nearby who can give you good advice. It’s even better when parents are like friends! And if both are not present, a priest can become a wise mentor.
If online acquaintance is unacceptable, then searches should be moved to places where young people gather. For example, to parks, libraries, beaches, a disco or an ice rink. The main thing is to have a good idea of what a young man should be like! Small tips will help you navigate in this matter:
- Don’t be too shy. You can simply approach a young man you like with a banal phrase: “how to get through …”. Do not be afraid and fail!
- For further communication, you should decide on your hobbies and hobbies: common interests bring people together.
- Boys over 15 have different views on friendship. The main goal of such an acquaintance is joint walks and mutual assistance. All this should be taken into account when going to get to know each other. Boys younger are also not very suitable because of the different perception of the world – communicating with them will simply not be interesting.
Many acquaintances made in this way sometimes even develop into a serious relationship over time. But everything has its own turn! Being very carried away with such searches, you can get a lot of troubles associated with studies and relationships with parents!
Anyway, the above tips 🙂 will help you learn how to find a boyfriend at 13.
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