
Unbearable pain and constant pressure on the bladder are the main symptoms of cystitis. Left untreated, it can lead to infertility, hematuria, and kidney problems. However, this unpleasant disease is easy to treat and just as easy to prevent.
Almost all of us know this. After a long winter walk, an evening out on the town or a vacation, we experience a burning sensation and pain during urination, plus constant pressure on the bladder, which makes us want to go to the toilet several times a day. These are the most common symptoms of a bladder cold, which is caused by the lower urinary tract getting cold. Unfortunately, no season is without risk – in the summer we catch a cold while sitting on the beach and walking in a still wet bathing suit, in winter on the slopes or in the evenings in the city, and in spring and autumn – because we dress too lightly, ignoring the fact that it is not yet completely warm. It often affects women who are anatomically more likely to catch a cold in the lower parts of the urinary tract.
How to fight a bladder cold?
Drink plenty of fluids when you have a cold. This flushes the bacteria out of the urinary system and helps you recover faster. However, in order not to worsen the symptoms, it is good to choose them wisely. Coffee or soda can increase the pain of not being able to expel fluids. However, cranberry juice or water strengthen the urinary system.
Vitamin bomb
Cranberry, thanks to the high content of vitamin C and antioxidants, allows you to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms. It is worth reaching for it in the form of teas and juices, but also capsules. Usually, two tablets of the cranberry preparation several times a day are enough for the disease to pass after 2-3 days.
Chokeberry, hibiscus, cranberry
Vitamin C strengthens the urinary system and prevents the accumulation of bacteria in it. Therefore, it is worth reaching for all fluids that contain vitamin. Grapefruit juice, chokeberry juice, hibiscus tea – all these drinks will help fight the infection.
And how to protect yourself from the disease in the future?
The most important thing is prevention, because frequent urinary tract infections in women can even lead to infertility. In both sexes, they can end up with more serious kidney diseases, hematuria and other unpleasant ailments. That is why it is good to take care of covering the lower parts of the body – at home we can gird ourselves with a scarf or blanket, outside we can wear tunics, long pants and skirts. If you want to wear a mini, let’s choose them in the company of warm, thick tights. You can’t sit on cold surfaces, especially those made of stone, because it’s the easiest way to “catch the wolf”.