How to ferment cabbage without sugar and salt

It would be historically incorrect to call sauerkraut a truly dish. The Chinese learned how to ferment this product long before the s. But we have been using it for so long that delicious fermentation has become a national dish. The benefits of it are great, but, unfortunately, not everyone can eat it. The reason for this is the large amount of salt that is used for fermentation. An excellent way out is sauerkraut without salt. The composition of such a product usually includes only cabbage and carrots, sometimes water is added to it. Such sauerkraut is prepared without sugar. You can add spices, dill or caraway seeds to it, some use celery juice. There are a lot of recipes for such preparations.

How to ferment cabbage without sugar and salt

The main difficulty in pickling cabbage without salt is to protect the product from spoilage. Therefore, vegetables for cooking are not only washed, but also dried thoroughly, and all utensils and knives are scalded with boiling water. If necessary, water is added, it is taken only boiled.

Pickling recipe without salt and adding water

This recipe describes the classic fermentation, in which nothing but cabbage heads and carrots is added.

How to ferment cabbage without sugar and salt

For 3 kg of cabbage, 0,5 kg of carrots will be required.

We chop the heads of cabbage, put them in a basin, crumple well. Add grated carrots, mix, place in a bowl in which fermentation will take place. Vegetables need to be well tamped.

Advice! In order for them to give juice, the load must be put heavier than with ordinary fermentation.

As soon as the vegetables are completely covered with juice, we change the load to a lighter one.

Attention! Every day we remove the load and mix the fermentation well so that gases come out.

How to ferment cabbage without sugar and salt

The fermentation process is very fast. After 2-3 days, the cabbage is fermented and ready to eat. It should be stored only in the refrigerator, as fermented in this way can easily deteriorate.

Fermentation without salt with the addition of water

The product prepared according to this recipe is tasty and healthy, but it cannot be stored for a long time. Therefore, we will not sour a lot of it right away.

For half a cabbage head, you need only one carrot. Shred the cabbage not too finely, add the grated carrots. No crushing or grinding is necessary. Transfer the vegetables to a jar. They should fill it about half way. We lay a cabbage leaf on top, fill it with boiled or filtered water, set the load.

How to ferment cabbage without sugar and salt

Advice! A glass water bottle is most suitable as a load.

You need to carefully monitor the water level, if necessary, add it. Vegetables must be completely covered with water. Sauerkraut without salt is ready in 3-4 days. It is transferred to the refrigerator, where it is stored.

Fermentation without salt with spices

This recipe does not even contain carrots, but there are herb seeds and crushed peppercorns. The taste of such sauerkraut will be brighter, and dill, cumin and celery seeds will enrich it with vitamins and useful minerals.

How to ferment cabbage without sugar and salt

To ferment it you will need:

  • 4,5 kg of cabbage heads;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cumin seeds, celery, dill and crushed peppercorns.
Attention! The pepper does not need to be ground. The pieces should be large enough.

Seeds and pepper, crushed in a mortar, mix with chopped cabbage. Set aside the sixth part and grind well until the juice is released. We send the grated vegetable back. We shift the fermentation into jars, tamping well. We put glass bottles of water on it, which will act as a load. If fermentation is not covered with juice, add clean water. After 4-5 days, the finished product is rearranged in the refrigerator.

How to ferment cabbage without sugar and salt

There are recipes for fermentation, which is carried out in two stages. First, the brine is prepared, and then the cabbage is fermented in it. The brine can be used repeatedly.

Pickling in brine

First we prepare the brine. To do this, ferment cabbage without salt in the usual way. From the finished fermentation, in the future we will use only the resulting brine. This will require:

  • 1 head of medium size;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • a pinch of ground red pepper;
  • cumin to taste.
Advice! If you do not like the taste or smell of cumin, you can do without it.

Cooking pickle

Mix chopped cabbage with chopped garlic, pepper, cumin. We shift it into a container in which we will ferment it, crush it a little, fill it with boiled water. We put a load on top, let it ferment for 3-4 days. The fermentation temperature is at least 22 degrees. We fermented vegetables, of which we will use only brine.

How to ferment cabbage without sugar and salt

We pour the finished brine into another bowl, filter it well, squeeze the fermented vegetables there and throw it away, it is no longer needed. Next, sour another cabbage already in the finished brine.


To do this, you will need:

  • ready brine;
  • cabbage heads;
  • carrot.
Advice! The amount of carrots should be 10% of the weight of the heads.

Shred heads of cabbage, rub carrots. We mix the vegetables in a bowl in which we will ferment it.

Advice! The larger the volume of fermentation, the better the fermentation will go.

Vegetables should be well compacted and pour the prepared brine. Put the lid and weight on top. After 2 days, we pierce the fermentation with a wooden stick and take it out to the cold. The product is ready in 2-3 days. After the cabbage is eaten, the brine can be used for a new batch. If it is not enough for a new starter, you can add boiled water.

Heads fermented in this way are served with vegetable oil and onions. You can sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs. If it seems too sour, add some sugar.

How to ferment cabbage without sugar and salt


Cabbage fermented according to such recipes is different from salted. You can store it only in the refrigerator, since the main preservative – salt is absent in it. It is softer than salty and does not crunch like that, but this does not make it less tasty. But such a product can be eaten by almost everyone.

Cabbage without salt (sauerkraut recipe)

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