How to feel good in winter

It’s cold, it’s dark, you constantly want to sleep… It seems that in winter you can only dream of feeling good. But a dream can easily become a reality if you follow five simple rules.

In order to feel good and harmonious in winter, the Ayurvedic doctor Dhanya Dharania recommends following five basic rules.

1. Sleep longer

Waking up fresh and staying awake throughout the day is easy if you go to bed one hour earlier than usual in cold weather. But Ayurveda prescribes to wake up 96 minutes before dawn, since before sunrise the air is filled with oxygen and the purest form of energy to the maximum. Given that the sun now rises after eight, this is not so difficult to do. An hour and a half in the morning is best devoted to meditation, breathing techniques or yoga. They will have a particularly strong effect on the body and mind.

2. Warm up your menu

The cold, dry winter, characteristic of our climate, increases the vata dosha. Therefore, in order to balance your condition and feel good in winter, it is important to eat thermally processed foods. Even fruits and vegetables are best baked or boiled, generously flavored with spices. Sweet juicy foods are especially useful. Such as pumpkin, zucchini, zucchini, any cereals, as well as warmed milk. The latter is good to drink at night, boiled for several minutes with cinnamon, nutmeg or turmeric. These warming spices restore balance, improving our physical and emotional state.

3. Keep your limbs warm

The energy of the watt dosha is mainly located in the feet, hands and ears. That is why in order to feel good in winter, not only warm shoes and gloves are important, but also a hat.

4. Use oils

Oils will help to get rid of dry skin and relax. As special Ayurvedic (for example, “Dhanvantaram” or “Bala”), and more familiar to us olive, sunflower, almond. It is best to use the oil like this: in the evening, spread it all over the body, paying special attention to the feet and scalp, hold for 10-15 minutes (you can do light gymnastics at this time), and then take a warm bath with a water temperature of 40-45 degrees. After it, it is better to immediately go to bed. Sleep will be calm and deep, and awakening will be joyful and easy.

5. Have fun

In Ayurveda, everything is balanced by the opposite. In gray cold weather, surround yourself with bright warm colors. Fill your free time with communication with loved ones, your favorite physical activity and activities you enjoy. It is useful to take a couple of consultations with a yoga therapist. He will show you the asanas and breathing exercises that your body needs. And you can take care of your health by doing them at home on your own.

Dhanya Dharania received her medical education from the State Institute of Ayurveda in the city of Kannur, located in the state of Kerala, India. After completing her residency in Yoga and Naturopathy, she worked as a doctor at the State Ayurveda Hospital in Kerala. At the moment he lives in Moscow and conducts a reception at the Atreya Ayurveda center.

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