How to feed strawberries with yeast

Strawberries are a tasty and healthy berry grown by many gardeners. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain high yields. The fact is that garden strawberries (it is called strawberries) are very demanding on top dressing. During fruiting, she selects all possible fertilizers from the soil, which leads to the depletion of the bush.

It is necessary to feed strawberries well in early spring, especially for young seedlings. There are a lot of mineral fertilizers in stores, but today gardeners are trying to grow berries without chemicals, use organic fertilizers, and use old recipes. One of the secrets of our grandmothers is feeding strawberries with yeast. Many beginners wonder what the food product is used for, what effect it has on the crop. Let’s talk about strawberry yeast nutrition now.

How to feed strawberries with yeast

What is yeast

Yeasts are single-celled fungi that can live in warm, humid environments. There are many types of yeast, but only those used in baking are suitable for plant nutrition. There is raw yeast (live) and dry, pressed. Any of them are suitable for gardeners to feed strawberries.

The benefits of yeast have long been known, they were used not only for baking various bakery products, making kvass, and other drinks, but also fed garden and indoor plants.

Yeast contains 1/4 dry matter and 3/4 water, and is also rich in:

  • carbohydrates and proteins;
  • fats and nitrogen;
  • potassium and phosphoric acid.
Attention! Yeast is an almost ready-made fertilizer with all the necessary trace elements for the growth and development of strawberries.

How to feed strawberries with yeast

The role of yeast nutrition for plants

Feeding with yeast saturates strawberries:

  • cytoxin and auxin;
  • thiamine and B vitamins;
  • copper and calcium;
  • iodine and phosphorus;
  • potassium, zinc and iron.

If you read on the instructions of store fertilizers that they give strawberries and other garden plants, you will see almost the same microelements that are in yeast. Why take chemistry if you can feed strawberries with ecologically healthy “food”?

What gives strawberries fertilizing with yeast:

  1. Stimulates plant growth and root development. It is especially useful to feed strawberries when rooting rosettes.
  2. Strawberries quickly increase their green mass.
  3. Yeast increases immunity, plants get sick less.
  4. Yeast bacteria are able to suppress harmful counterparts living in the soil, improve its structure.
  5. The number of flower stalks is increasing, which means that we can hope for a rich harvest of strawberries.
Important! Once in the soil, yeast bacteria begin to develop rapidly.

They process organic matter, releasing nitrogen and phosphorus, which are easily absorbed by the strawberry root system.

The photo below shows how to carry out spring top dressing of overwintered plants.

How to feed strawberries with yeast

Popular Recipes

Experienced gardeners play an important role in the development of strawberries and obtaining a rich harvest of tasty fragrant berries for yeast top dressing. There are many recipes that have been tested for centuries. We offer you a small selection of options.

Recipes with yeast

Pour 1 liter of warm water into a one and a half liter jar, add a teaspoon of dry yeast and sugar. 2 hours is enough for fermentation. Quality fertilizer is ready. The composition is brought to five liters and watered with strawberries.

How to feed strawberries with yeast

For 5 liters of warm water, you need one large spoonful of yeast and an ascorbic acid tablet. Remove the container in a dark place for 5 days. Before feeding strawberries, the yeast mass is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:10.

It will take 100 grams of raw yeast and 10 liters of water. A day later, without diluting, add 0,5 liters of useful fertilizer under each strawberry bush.

In a seventy-liter container, you need to add a bucket of chopped freshly cut grass (nettle, dandelions, wheatgrass, wormwood), dry black bread or rye crackers (500 grams), raw yeast (0,5 kg). Add warm water and leave for three days. Strain and water.

Comment! Plants with seeds, as well as white gauze (quinoa) are not recommended.


  1. Sprout a glass of wheat grains and grind. In the resulting mass, add sugar and flour, 2 large spoons each, mix everything and boil for a third of an hour. After a day and a half, the fermented sourdough is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Hop cones (1 cup) pour boiling water (1,5 liters) and boil over low heat for 60 minutes. The cooled mass is filtered and set aside to cool. After that, they are seasoned with sugar and flour, 2 large spoons each, cleaned in a dark place for fermentation. After 2 days, grated raw potatoes (2 pieces) are added. After 24 hours, the hop starter is diluted 1:10.

Yeast top dressing on bread

You can feed strawberries with yeast bread. Many gardeners believe that this is the most effective option. One and a half kilograms of bread are crumbled into two liters of warm water (stale pieces are possible), sugar (40 g) is poured. After a couple of days, useful top dressing for strawberries is ready. The composition is filtered, poured into a container and 10 liters of water are added. Under each plant pour half a liter of fertilizer.

How to feed strawberries with yeast

Features of feeding

If experienced gardeners have already got their hands on fertilizing strawberries, then beginners have a lot of questions. This applies not only to recipes, but also to the number of dressings, timing.

As a rule, after yeast feeding, the plants have enough trace elements for about two months. It turns out that in total they need to be held three, but no more!

Attention! Remontant varieties of garden strawberries with several waves of fruiting can be fed again during the rest of the strawberries.

Feed value:

  1. After a long winter, strawberries come out weakened. In order for the bushes to quickly start growing, begin to form a green mass and a powerful root system, they are fed with ammonia. At this time, you can shed the plants not under the root, but from above. In this way, you can fertilize strawberries and get rid of pests that have overwintered in the ground.
  2. The second top dressing falls at the time of flowering. Berries become larger, ripen faster.

    We feed strawberries with yeast during flowering:


  3. The last time strawberries are fed after harvesting, so that the plants can restore their strength before wintering.

Despite the fact that garden strawberries are a lover of acidic soil, after fertilizing with yeast, it is recommended to add a small amount of ash under each bush. After all, during fermentation, potassium and calcium are absorbed.

Useful Tips

Every gardener who grows strawberries dreams of such a crop as in the photo below. But for this you need to follow the rules of agricultural technology. This also applies to fertilizing strawberries. We hope our tips are helpful.

How to feed strawberries with yeast

  1. Yeast is a living bacteria that can grow in warm water.
  2. Water the strawberries when the soil warms up.
  3. Under each plant pour no more than 500 ml of the working solution.
  4. As soon as a working solution is prepared from the mother liquor, it must be used immediately.

Although yeast is an ecological product, it is not necessary to abuse strawberry yeast fertilizing. There should be no more than three.


Ekaterina, 41 years old, Yaroslavl region
Growing strawberries is my job. At the summer cottage, almost the entire area is given over to culture. Even in winter, work does not stop, because there are varieties that produce crops all year round. I grow these strawberries in a greenhouse. The first years there were a lot of problems, but as soon as I started feeding my plantings with yeast, the effect was not long in coming. In addition, it is also an economical and safe way. I recommend it because it has been tested in practice.
Evgenia, 48 years old, Ekaterinburg
I feed my strawberries in the easiest way. They buy a bag of yeast (10 grams), dissolve it in warm water and immediately water it. They do this three times a season. Strawberries grow large and sweet, do not get sick.
Victoria, 36 years old, Kursk
Mom found the recipe, but I was skeptical about such feeding. She didn’t even help her mother, she thought it was a waste of time. Top dressing was carried out on one ridge. After a while, the result was shocking: the bushes became more powerful, green, chic. Threw out a lot of flower stalks. The harvest on this bed was greater than on the one that was not fed. So feel free to use yeast. By the way, we also fed other plants with nutritious fertilizer.
Vera, 42 years old, Tambov
I learned about yeast nutrition from the Internet. I fed my garden strawberries. In my opinion, it only got worse: the collected berries were tasteless, loose. Maybe I did something wrong, but I will not experiment anymore.

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