Experienced gardeners are unlikely to doubt whether top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings is generally needed with folk remedies and nutrient mixtures. This procedure helps the plant to form a strong root system, take root faster in the soil, and also create a protective barrier against various parasites. Feeding tomatoes after planting is necessary if you want to harvest a generous crop of vegetables in the high season. How to feed tomato seedlings, and how to do it competently and in a timely manner – every novice gardener should find out about this.
Why you need to feed
Some land owners are perplexed why they need to feed tomato seedlings after picking. However, this procedure is required. First of all, the introduction of nutrients into the soil will immediately strengthen not only the root system of fertilized tomatoes, but also their stems, and this is a very important factor. The thing is that you are unlikely to harvest a full-fledged crop if the stems are excessively frail and thin. That is why feeding tomatoes with urea or other solutions is an obligatory moment in the process of growing this crop. The first top dressing of tomato seedlings will give its results pretty soon.
Experienced gardeners also know how to determine whether foliar feeding or fertilizing the soil by the appearance of the plant is necessary. Here you need to pay attention to the following factors:
- If the leaves, after you have already planted it in the ground, have turned pale, you need to add a little nitrogen to the soil.
- Sometimes agriculture can suffer from an excess of greenery on the stems. This moment indicates excessive amounts of nitrogen in the soil. In this case, it is necessary to correct the situation, otherwise the bushes may not bear fruit.
- Sometimes phosphorus may be needed for tomatoes. This is necessary if the leaves of the seedlings have acquired a purple hue.
The need for fertilizer depends on the quality of the soil. If we are talking about fertile black soil, feeding seedlings of tomatoes and peppers with ash or other nutrients is optional. But in the event that you are going to plant tomato bushes in sandy soil, you can not do without top dressing.
When and what to feed
The best option is to start preparing the soil in the fall. As a rule, at this stage, humus is introduced into the soil. If you decide to add manure to the ground in the spring just before planting tomatoes, use only rotted manure. After planting tomato bushes in the ground, it is necessary to carry out the first feeding of plants. This period is very important for any gardener, as the seedlings grow stronger, they develop immunity to pests and diseases.
Timely replenishment of the soil will only improve the result. A week after the first stage of fertilizing the soil, you can proceed to the second top dressing. In the future, every 10 days, try to replenish the stocks of useful components, and for this you will need a complex fertilizer or organic.
Feeding tomato seedlings after picking is also necessary. But in order to satisfy your tomato harvest, take the choice of nutrient mixtures seriously. At a certain period, if you have a specific problem, you may need this or that fertilizer; complex formulations cannot always be dispensed with.
Mineral fertilizers, for example, include potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, carbamide. As a rule, if you do not know for sure in what proportions to add mineral mixtures to the soil, buy complex feeds. You can also feed seedlings of pepper in a greenhouse or tomatoes with organic fertilizers. Manure, chicken manure, humus, compost, sawdust, peat, etc. will be useful.
For those who prefer to feed tomatoes with home remedies, you can use bread or milk. By the way, watering seedlings with milk is recommended not only to protect the plant from diseases. Milk fertilizer also guarantees further environmental safety of tomatoes. After transplanting, fertilizers must be added to the soil without fail. Only in this case you will be able to harvest a full-fledged harvest.
Video “Secrets of growing a large crop of tomatoes”
To grow a good crop of tomatoes, it is enough to know a few simple rules for growing and caring for these plants. Watch this video and find out about them.
Author: Svetlana Galitsina