How to feed repair raspberries

Remontant raspberry every year is gaining great popularity among gardeners and gardeners. Nothing compares to the taste of fresh homemade berries, as well as preparations made from them. Children especially love raspberries, and we try to give them only the best. Therefore, many prefer to grow raspberries on their site, and not buy in the market or in the store.

Of course, to get a generous harvest of raspberries, you will need to make a lot of effort, which will ultimately be rewarded. An important role in the cultivation of raspberries is top dressing. You can get a harvest of berries without it, but the quantity and quality are unlikely to please you. Below we will look at why top dressing is such an important step, and how to properly feed remontant raspberries.

How to feed repair raspberries

Feeding young seedlings

Remontant raspberry is a perennial plant. It is able to produce a crop in the first year after planting. Depending on the variety, such raspberries begin to bear fruit from July – August and end in September or October. For good growth and fruit formation, the bush needs fertile soil. Just planting a seedling in the garden is not enough. To increase the fertility of the bush, you can add wood ash or manure to the hole for planting a seedling.

Purchased mineral fertilizers are also used for these purposes. For example, it is very useful to add superphosphate to the soil, which has a direct effect on the yield of a bush. When planting a bush in the fall, add about 150 grams of superphosphate to the hole. This will provide the plant with the necessary nutrients. And in order for the bush to take root well, its roots should be placed in a solution of clay and cow dung before planting.

How to feed repair raspberries

Also, during the planting of young bushes, you can carry out the following top dressing. At the bottom of the hole you need to make:

  • 4 kilograms of any organic matter;
  • 1 teaspoon of superphosphate;
  • 1 teaspoon potassium.

After that, the seedling should be watered abundantly, and then loosen the soil around the bush.

In the southern regions of the country, especially in areas where the soil is the most fertile, it is not necessary to fertilize during the first two years from the time of planting. However, the inhabitants of the middle lane were not so lucky, and the bushes will need to be fertilized every year.

When to start feeding

Fertilize raspberries begin in early spring. Caring for remontant raspberries in the spring involves the use of carbamide or ammonium nitrate. They simply sprinkle the surface of the soil around the bushes. Toward the end of spring, you can start fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are no less effective. Usually, experienced gardeners always have such substances at hand. For feeding remontant raspberries, an infusion of chicken manure or mullein is perfect.

How to feed repair raspberries

Advice! Many gardeners use an infusion of potato peels as a top dressing for raspberries in the spring. The skins are soaked in water and left to ferment. Then this mixture is diluted with water and watering is carried out.

It is very useful to carry out organic nutritious watering of bushes. To do this, you will need the following substances:

  1. Cow dung.
  2. 20 liters of water.
  3. 2 teaspoons of urea.

Having carried out such a spring procedure, you can provide the plant with nutrients for the entire season. Watering is carried out in May, when raspberries need strength most of all.

Top dressing remontant raspberries in summer

The need for a large amount of mineral fertilizers is due to the fact that remontant raspberries have large berries. Only strong and healthy bushes can produce berries of this size. In this raspberry, nitrogen fertilizers can help, which are advised to be applied immediately after the first leaves appear.

How to feed repair raspberries

Any mineral dressings are applied before the soil is loosened. Manufacturers of mineral fertilizers have made it easier for gardeners. In specialized stores, you can purchase ready-made mineral complexes, for example, such as Kemira and Ecofosk. These substances must be diluted with water in the ratio of 1 tablespoon per 3 liters of water. Watering with a similar solution is done in hot weather.

But not all minerals are used in the form of solutions. Ammonium sulfate is applied to the soil in a dry form. Fertilizer is simply sprinkled on the soil under the bush. For one raspberry seedling, you will need about 15 grams of ammonium sulfate.

Advice! With excessive use of minerals, the acidity of the soil may increase. To neutralize this process, you can sprinkle the soil with the most common ash.

If the bushes have been for many years, then the following mixture will help them restore their strength:

  • 2 kg of manure;
  • 2 teaspoons of potassium salt;
  • 2 teaspoons of nitrogen;
  • 2 teaspoons of phosphorus.

How to feed repair raspberries

Top dressing during fruiting

An important step in the care of remontant raspberries is top dressing during the ripening period of the first berries. To do this, you can use the ready-made complex “Ideal”. To prepare the solution, follow the instructions on the package. Other minerals can also be added to it.

Also, during the fruiting period, the bush especially needs potassium and nitrogen. It is very important to start applying nitrogen fertilizers even before the formation of berries. And potassium magnesia can be added to the soil to make up for the lack of potassium.

Important! In no case should the composition for feeding contain chlorine.

How to feed repair raspberries

Remember that potassium is quickly washed out of the soil, so you can make it more often than other minerals. For example, potassium can be mixed with organic fertilizers. They do not dissolve as quickly, and will help potassium stay in the soil longer. Instead of organics, other slowly dissolving substances can be used. For example, cement dust is perfect.

To increase the yield, fertilizing with slurry is suitable. Manure is one of the most nutritious fertilizers for remontant raspberries. Thanks to them, you can achieve a good harvest even in cold climates.

Autumn top dressing of raspberries

Many underestimate the importance of autumn feeding. But it is during this period that fruit buds are formed on the bush, which will yield next year. During this season, fertilizers should consist of phosphorus and potassium. These ingredients are sprinkled on the soil around the raspberries. From organic fertilizers, loose mixtures of humus or manure are suitable.

How to feed repair raspberries

Attention! At this time of the year, it is not recommended to apply nitrogen fertilizers.

Fertilizer, which will contain potassium, will help prepare the plant for winter. It is able to increase the resistance of bushes to frost. You can use ready-made mineral fertilizers containing at least 30% potassium. They are applied under the root of the plant. For one bush you will need about 35-40 grams of fertilizer. It is necessary to carry out autumn feeding of raspberries only after the pruning of the bushes has been done.


Raspberry repair means that such a plant has a long fruiting period, sometimes more than 2 times per season. Such bushes need more different fertilizers than ordinary raspberries. Only with proper care can you get a generous harvest. Starting to grow raspberries, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to take care of it for the entire calendar year. Bait should be regular and nutritious. Moreover, remontant raspberries respond well to both organic and mineral fertilizers. Of course, in no case should you carry out all the fertilizing options proposed in the article. Too much fertilizer can kill plants. But with proper care, you will be able to grow excellent bushes on which the berries will ripen until late autumn.

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