How to feed eggplant, when and how correctly

How to feed eggplant, when and how correctly

How to feed eggplant, when and how correctly

Feeding eggplant is a very important step in plant care. It doesn’t matter if they grow in a greenhouse or on open ground – the cultivation of this crop depends on many factors, including the composition of mineral and organic fertilizers. During growth, flowering and fruiting, eggplant fertilizer is a magic pill for healthy development. Maintaining a balance of micronutrients and chemical compounds, you will get a rich harvest at the end of the season. The topic of this article is how to feed eggplant during greenhouse and open field cultivation.

When to feed

The first step is to figure out when you can feed, so as not to harm the eggplant. For the entire period of growth from planting seeds to the flowering period, 3-4 top dressings will be needed. The last, fourth, is usually used during fruiting to support the plant with nutrients that have a positive effect on the formation of large and healthy fruits.

How to feed eggplant, when and how correctly

The first significant top dressing occurs on the 20th day from the moment the strong sprouts form. During this period, the root system of the vegetable is already sufficiently developed to be able to absorb all the useful trace elements and assimilate them. It is this top dressing that accelerates the growth of eggplant, allowing them to quickly gain green mass and allow transplanting seedlings to the garden.

The second occurs when plants are planted in a greenhouse or open field. It allows eggplants to quickly get used to the new environment, increases their immunity to diseases and temperature changes. At this stage, the plants continue to gain green mass, preparing for future fruiting.

The third dressing is carried out shortly before the formation of inflorescences. The formation of a large number of fruitful inflorescences requires the maximum return from the plant, therefore, without feeding, it will either not cope with this task, or will give few flowers.

The fourth, last dressing falls on the fruiting period of the eggplant. It is better to spend it, because it will have a beneficial effect on the shape, weight, taste of the fruit.

Video “Natural fertilizer for eggplant”

Experienced gardeners share their secrets on how to prepare natural eggplant fertilizer.

Natural fertilizer for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant. June 4, 2015

Top dressing recipes

Now it’s time to go directly to the recipes for top dressing when growing eggplant. Conventionally, they can be divided into: immunity-strengthening plants, contributing to the set of green mass, supporting during heavy stress or illness.

For the first feeding, you can use the following formulations. They are used both for vegetables growing in the greenhouse, and for those who live in the open field.

Recipe 1: 30 g of potassium nitrate is mixed with 10 g of superphosphate, diluted in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is used to strengthen and green the eggplant, especially if the leaves have begun to fade or turn yellow.

Recipe 2: 30 g of foskamide, 15 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium nitrate are diluted in 10 liters of water. Under the bush, you can make no more than 1 liter of solution.

Recipe 3: 1 teaspoon of ammonium nitrate is mixed with 3 tablespoons of superphosphate and 2 tablespoons of potassium sulfate, diluted in 10 liters of water.

For the second top dressing, you can use complex fertilizers produced in powders or granules, mix the fertilizer yourself or limit yourself to folk remedies.

How to feed eggplant, when and how correctly

Recipe 1: 20 g of the drug “Crystalon” or “Kemira-Lux” is diluted in 10 liters of warm water, immediately applied.

Recipe 2: 65-70 g of superphosphate is mixed with 30 grams of potassium salt, diluted in 10 liters.

Recipe 3: 10-15 g of dry yeast is diluted in 10 liters. warm water, insist 12-16 hours, stirring regularly. Before use, dilute the solution 1:10.

Recipe 4: 1 liter of mullein infusion is mixed with 1 glass of ash, 0,5 liter of chicken manure extract and 10 liters of water are added. Before use, you can dilute the mixture 1:5.

When eggplants are preparing to bloom, it is important not to let their vegetative processes slow down. At this time, it is important to monitor how vegetables grow (both in the greenhouse and in the open field): if the plant does not look exhausted, its leaves do not turn yellow, do not fade, then you can reduce the concentration of mineral fertilizers, instead using organic compounds; if the plant just got sick or got sick, grows poorly, then comprehensive support will be needed in all areas.

How to feed eggplant, when and how correctly

Recipe 1: 20 g of urea, 30 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium chloride are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The solution should be diluted 1:5 before use.

Recipe 2: 1 liter of mullein infusion is mixed with 500 grams of chopped nettle leaves and stems, 100 g of wood ash. The mixture is poured into 10 liters of water, set aside in a warm, dry place for 5-6 days, stirring regularly. Strain before use. Raw materials can mulch the soil.

Recipe 3: 1 liter of mullein infusion is mixed with 0,5 liter of chicken manure extract in 10 liters of water. The mixture is diluted 1:5, no more than 1 liter of solution is poured under one bush.

Fruit formation is the most energy-intensive process in both outdoor and greenhouse cultivation, so it is worth helping the plants cope with it.

Recipe 1: 40 g of superphosphate is diluted in 10 liters of water, the plant is watered every one and a half weeks.

Recipe 2: 0,5 l of chicken manure extract is diluted in 10 l of water, 10 g of dry yeast, 0,5 l of stalks and nettle leaves are added. Insist 3-4 days, thoroughly mixing the mixture. Before use, dilute 1:10.

Fertilization rules

How to feed eggplant, when and how correctly

The main rule when growing eggplant in the ground in the open air or in a greenhouse is not to overfeed. An excess of fertilizer badly affects the condition of plants, leading to the fact that they abundantly grow stems and leaves, but at the same time practically do not produce inflorescences or fruits. Not only does this make it difficult to grow a rich crop, it also negatively affects the taste of the vegetable, introducing bitterness unloved by everyone.

It is important to understand that foliar feeding should take place with a full understanding of what and why you are using. So, for example, when fertilizing the soil in a greenhouse before planting, you should not use humus, compost, or mullein in the future, as this will only harm the plants, and add trouble to you when growing. When fertilizing the crop, make sure that the substance does not get on the leaves or fruits, wash off all drops!

Growing eggplant is associated with abundant fertilizing with nitrogen, forsphorus and potassium. Do not allow the plant to lose something from this list. Moderate weekly feeding is the best choice when growing eggplant.

Video “How to feed eggplant”

This video talks about effective fertilizer that is used to feed eggplant.

How to feed cucumbers and eggplant Gumi Omi fertilizer for vegetables

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