How to feed dahlias

One of the favorite flowers of summer residents can safely be called dahlias. They are grown simply to decorate the site, cut for a gift, some for pleasure.

How to feed dahlias

After all, taking care of your pets is always a joy. Dahlias grow well on fertile soil, but if you have sand or very poor land in your country house, you will have to feed the dahlias.

What fertilizers are suitable for feeding dahlias

You can feed plants with both organic and mineral compounds. Mineral fertilizers are very convenient to use:

  • are sold ready-made;
  • there is an instruction for use;
  • big choice.

The disadvantages of mineral dressings are:

  • short-term effect;
  • the need for regular feeding;
  • danger of overdose.

Organics not only nourishes the flowers, but also structures the soil, improves its fertility, promotes the reproduction of worms and beneficial bacteria.

How to feed dahlias

Among the organic species, the most popular are:

  • manure (preferably cow);
  • humus;
  • compost;
  • bird droppings;
  • “green” fertilizers (herbal infusion);
  • wood ash.

The effect of organic fertilizers is longer. It is good to fertilize the soil with organic matter in advance. This can be done in the fall by adding manure when digging. It is useful to apply compost before planting in the area that is prepared for flowers. It will provide the maximum nutritional composition of the soil for lush flowering and growth of dahlias. You can feed the bushes only with infusions diluted with water.

Important! Bird droppings and mullein require more pre-infusion before breeding. Otherwise, dahlias can get burned from top dressing and die.

The frequency of feeding dahlias at their summer cottage

You can start feeding plants at the time of planting. To do this, compost and mineral fertilizers are added to the hole. During this period, nitrogen and phosphorus will be needed. All components are mixed with soil and tubers are planted.

How to feed dahlias

Then the holes are mulched with fine bark.

Feeding dahlias is recommended at intervals no more than once every two weeks. It is good for such regular dressings to use:

  • mullein infusion;
  • infusion of bird droppings;
  • complex mineral fertilizers;
  • ready-made mixtures for dressing flowers.
Important! Dilute mineral complexes strictly according to the instructions, and dilute organic infusions with water.

The first time food is brought in a week after planting, but only with confidence that the dahlias have taken root. Then maintain an interval of 10 days and repeat the procedure. A groove about 10 cm deep is made around the bush in diameter.

How to feed dahlias

A bush is preliminarily watered into it, and only then a nutrient composition is added. As soon as the fertilizer is absorbed, the furrows are sprinkled with soil.

An approximate schedule for feeding dahlias in the country

At the end of spring or in June, 3-4 feedings are carried out with mullein infusion. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Add 20 g of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate to a bucket of solution.

Important! During this period, do not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers. Their overdose will lead to the growth of a powerful leaf mass, but you can not wait for the flowering of dahlias.

The second minus is that tubers are stored worse.

In the second half of June and early July, 3 more top dressings, but with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. These top dressings are needed for good flowering. The inflorescences will be large and the bushes will bloom profusely. To prepare the composition, you will need 50 g of superphosphate and 2 cups of wood ash, which are diluted in 10 liters of settled water.

August is the time of tuber feeding. One feeding is enough for their good maturation. It is necessary to take 30 g of potassium sulfate per plant.

Dahlias respond well to feeding.

How to feed dahlias

The last top dressing is carried out after flowering, and then stopped. This must be done so as not to interfere with the biological rhythms of plants that are preparing for wintering.

If you are using mixes from flower shops, then feed your dahlias organically at the beginning of the season anyway. With proper nutrition, they will bloom luxuriantly and for a long time, tolerate weather fluctuations well, resist diseases and pests.

Dahlias: summer care, top dressing, pinching. Original support for dahlias – 7dach

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