June is the most favorable month for feeding garden and garden plants, but at the same time, this month is critical. This is a period of intensive laying of buds, shoots and root system. If cultures are not helped at this time, they may die. Therefore, it is desirable to feed plants with fertilizers and trace elements every 10-12 days. Today there is a wide range of fertilizers for the care of horticultural and horticultural crops. Among them, you should choose the most suitable in terms of time, soil and objects of application.
How to feed plants
If the soil is not too fertile, then it needs to be fed with organic matter – manure or litter, ash can be added to it. Before choosing a fertilizer, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the plants – it will tell you what the seedling is missing. If the leaves become light in color and the culture grows slowly, then it lacks nitrogen. In this case, you can use saltpeter at the rate of 15 g per 10 liters of water. Saltpeter is fertilized in early June, and then other nitrogen fertilizers are applied.
Substances containing nitrogen are added first 10-14 days after planting – in the first 10 days of the month. Next, add superphosphate, potash fertilizers, trace elements. In the first month of summer, there is an active reproduction of insect pests, for example, aphids. It can pretty much interfere with the development of the plant. In this case, you can do without pesticides by using potash fertilizers – they will not only get rid of the pest, but also bring benefits. When applying a soap solution or ash, the potassium contained in them enters the plant, nourishing it with this microelement.
June is a hot month, and you need to pay attention to the weather before spraying the plants. This mainly applies to boric acid, copper sulfate and potassium permanganate. Such fertilizers are useful for crops, but if you overdo it, you can ruin the seedling. In hot weather, it is better not to use these fertilizers – when the moisture evaporates, the concentrated solution will cover the leaves, and they will die. For the same reasons, it is better to apply fertilizers to the lower part of the leaf – the one that is inaccessible to the sun.
Often, manure, mullein or litter is used as a complex fertilizer. During June, it should be given to plants every 4-5 weeks. Organic fertilizers not only nourish the soil, but also moisturize it well. Natural fertilizers are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 (for manure) and 1:10 (for litter). At the same time, everything must be balanced – if you add too much organic matter, the plant may begin to grow intensively, which will not allow it to prepare for winter in time and it may freeze.
For June recharge, the most important is the predominance of potassium. In the first half of June, the main feeding of plants should be completed. Starting from the middle of the first month of summer, ovaries and fruits may fall off – thus, the culture gets rid of damaged pagons. They can harbor pests. Such leaves and sprouts just need to be collected, while not panicking and not doing additional feeding, “June fall” is a natural and necessary process. For the last 10 days of June, only phosphorus and potassium can be applied, the application of nitrogen must already be stopped, otherwise the plants will not prepare for winter.
Video “On the care and feeding of plants at the beginning of summer”
Video review on how to care for and fertilize plants at the beginning of summer.
All types of fertilizers used in June can be divided into two groups: organic and mineral. Organic include manure, peat, compost, mullein. By mineral – nitrogen, phosphorus, potash fertilizers, as well as other single trace elements.
Manure is the most common organic fertilizer. Due to its availability and effectiveness, it occupies a leading position among plant nutrition.
Manure, mullein and litter contain a huge amount of essential trace elements. They are applied to the soil at the rate of 50 kg per 10 square meters. If you mix manure with peat or peat with rotted plants, you can get compost – another popular type of organic fertilizer. From finely chopped leaves and plant residues, humus or green organic fertilizers rich in nitrogen and trace elements are extracted.
Trace Elements
Mineral fertilizers are simple (consist of one trace element) and complex (consisting of several trace elements). According to the main element, they distinguish:
- Nitrogen fertilizers. They need to be fed with crops from the moment of planting until mid-June. This group includes ammonium salts (sulphates and nitrates), ammonium nitrate, urea. For June, saltpeter is best suited.
- potassium fertilizers. They fight pests and betray frost resistance to the soil. These are potassium salts of different types.
- Phosphorus fertilizers. These are ash, superphosphate, nitrophos and others. Phosphate fertilizers have a wide range and many trade names. Phosphorus is poorly absorbed, so it must be applied closer to the roots of plants.
- Microfertilizers. These supplements contain essential micronutrients that should be applied in small doses. These are iron preparations, potassium permanganate, copper sulfate, zinc, boron, molybdenum. When applying microfertilizers, you must clearly maintain the dosage, otherwise you can ruin the plant.
In order not to make a mistake with the choice of a trace element that a culture needs, you can evaluate, again, its appearance. If the tops and roots begin to die off, this indicates a lack of calcium. Magnesium deficiency is manifested in the light color of the leaves, they soon turn yellow or red, acquire a purple hue. When the leaves turn pale green and the veins light, the plant says it’s low on iron. It will tell about the lack of copper with the white tips of the leaves.
The sprouts will dry out and acquire a bluish tint with a lack of phosphorus and nitrogen. If the culture lacks boron, it will not bloom, and curled leaves indicate a potassium deficiency. Top dressing in the first month of summer is very important, as it is the basis for the future plant and its health. Consistent proportions, properly selected top dressing and constant care – this is the key to excellent crop growth from planting to harvest.
Video “Natural top dressing suitable for most plants”
How to make a natural top dressing that is suitable for most plants in the summer.