Chicken manure as a fertilizer is very effective due to the content of a large amount of nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, in addition to organic matter in its composition. It is the presence of these elements that accelerates the ripening of fruits, makes them tastier and healthier. In addition, the popularity of chicken manure, and not manure, is largely due to the frequent breeding of chickens in summer cottages or household plots. But only when used properly, chicken manure as a fertilizer can be beneficial.
Preparing liquid feed
In addition to the elements already mentioned, for which summer residents usually buy mineral fertilizers, chicken manure contains iron, manganese, sulfur, copper, cobalt and zinc. And, nevertheless, it is considered organic, if you feed them correctly, then almost all plants in the garden, in the garden and flower garden will receive the necessary nutrition, and as a result, they will delight the owners with abundant flowering and excellent harvests, for example, raspberries give berries much larger than without such a feed. But the same substance can cause burns to the leaves and roots of plants if used incorrectly. Top dressing is carried out in spring, autumn, summer, they use dry manure, its aqueous solution, fertilize seedlings and adult plants – such versatility of use is explained by the enormous benefits, even when compared with manure. In order not to cause harm, liquid top dressing is most often used.
The easiest way is to do this: pour 1 part of the litter with 20 parts of water, leave for several hours, stirring constantly. Then it is desirable to filter this solution and use 0,5 liters for 1 plant. Some gardeners prefer to prepare a concentrated infusion, for this they dilute it in a 1: 1 ratio, close the dishes tightly, insist 2 to 3 days. This technology allows you to save the greatest amount of nutrients in the water. You can store such an infusion all season, if necessary, breed and use as a top dressing. 1 liter of this solution is diluted with 10 liters of water and applied between rows of vegetables or flowers.
It is better to use a watering can without a divider, and then pour it with water to wash off accidentally dropped drops from the plants. Another way to prepare the solution is as follows: fresh litter is placed in a barrel, filling it by 1 third, then topped up with water, stirred well. 1 part of the resulting solution is diluted with 4 parts of water – then it is ready for use. Approximately 1 bucket is brought in per 1 square meter of the garden, but not under the very roots of the plants.
Poultry farms process bird excrement by fermentation. Litter is collected in special trays placed under the cages, sawdust and fermentation accelerators are periodically added to it. All this is mixed and stacked, when the pile reaches 1,5 m, it is again watered with a fermentation accelerator. After 30 days of keeping on the street (in summer, and twice as long in winter), this substrate can already be used in the garden or in the garden, it is devoid of weed seeds and helminth eggs. It is used dry or the desired solution is already made from it.
Summer residents can also use this method, since fermentation accelerators are sold in stores. Some prefer to make an infusion. To do this, rotted litter is poured with water, allowed to brew for 2-3 days. The resulting mixture should resemble weakly brewed tea in its color, if necessary, it is diluted to such a state.
Gardeners who are afraid of harming plants with excess acid prefer to soak chicken waste products. They fill the litter with water, after a couple of days they drain it, this process is repeated several times. It is believed that this removes uric acid and toxins. Perhaps some of the useful substances are removed with them. Perhaps it is best to fill the litter with water in a ratio of 1: 3, leave for 3-4 days and add a drug like Tamir or Baikal M (only 1 tablespoon per 1 bucket of solution) to speed up processing. The resulting preparation will be freed from seeds and eggs, and will be ready for use as a fertilizer for flowers, seedlings or adult plants. True, it will still need to be diluted with 4 parts of water.
The result of applying liquid top dressing will be visible after 1-2 weeks: plants will begin to develop much faster, become more powerful and more beautiful, their fruits will become tastier and healthier.
Video “Necessary information about feeding with litter”
Everything you need to know about fertilizing the soil with chicken manure.
General principles of fertilization
The easiest way to fertilize the garden is to apply dry manure. This is usually done in autumn or spring before the general plowing of the site, and, of course, long before planting seedlings. For 1 sq. m contribute up to 0,5 kg of fertilizer. Rain or abundant watering will accelerate the decomposition and assimilation of it by the soil. Chicken excrement is never used fresh as a top dressing, fertilizer is prepared from them, because a large amount of uric acid can simply burn the roots of plants.
There is much more nitrogen and phosphorus in chicken manure than in manure, (and what is needed) they evaporate when stored outdoors. And fresh litter can only be used in the form of a solution. But even cooked and diluted to an acceptable concentration, it is applied between the rows of plants, and not under the roots. It will be correct to fertilize after rain or watering – in moist soil.
It is very effective to use manure along with manure to make compost. The products of bird life are laid on plant residues, interspersed with sawdust, manure, peat, straw, hay and kept until fully ripe. Litter and manure will create enough heat to quickly overheat all the components and prepare humus. If you lay a compost heap in the fall, it will be perfectly ready in the spring. Such a fertilizer without any fear can be applied in the spring for seedlings and all plants in the garden and in the garden.
In autumn, before the general plowing of the site, you can scatter fresh excrement (like manure) over it up to 2 kg per 1 sq. m, then during the winter it will pereperet enough and connect with the soil so that in the spring it does not harm the delicate roots of the seedlings. Before planting fruit trees, you can put a few kilograms of dry, rotted matter or compost into the pit. For growing trees and berry bushes, it is best to apply liquid top dressing to the near-stem circle. It is not enough for raspberry bushes only preplant feeding, so it is advisable to fertilize raspberries with a solution of chicken manure in spring and summer. Litter, like manure, perfectly fertilizes the soil for several years after application, but raspberries consume a lot of organic matter during the season, and therefore require enhanced feeding.
For pumpkins and tomatoes in spring (or autumn), up to 3-4 kg of fertilizer per 1 sq. m beds, after that during growth they are watered several times to get only 5-6 liters of solution per 1 sq. m. On the site for white cabbage contribute 2 kg per 1 square. m, in addition, at least 3 times per season are fed at the rate of 1 liter – per 1 plant. For root crops (except potatoes) and greens, apply in the fall (or spring) before plowing up to 2,5 kg of fertilizer per 1 sq. m beds. During growth, greens are not fed, because it can accumulate nitrates, but root crops are watered several times with a solution very diluted with water.
What plants are combined with
In general, all plants respond well to watering with liquid fertilizer from chicken manure, only it is not applied to seedling holes or under the roots. It will be correct to water the aisles and very carefully so as not to spray the greens. The use of litter is especially good for growing grapes, raspberries, tomatoes, cucumbers. Grapes love clay soil and complex fertilizers. Before planting, add enough nutrients to last for several years. But adult plants require regular feeding, so once a season, rotted litter or its solution can be introduced into the grooves dug between the bushes. Dung can also be used.
Raspberries take twice as many nutrients from the ground as gooseberries, so they need to be fed more. This can be done once, as for grapes. You can lay out compost or rotted litter between raspberry bushes, after watering, useful substances will get to the roots. After fertilizing with chicken manure, raspberries give a particularly good harvest.
Tomatoes are especially happy with this fertilizer, seedlings immediately respond to it. In the spring, it is good to add dry compost to their site (3–4 kg per 1 sq. M), and then feed it as it grows. But you can overdo it: if after dressing the greenery becomes too luxurious (fleshy leaves, thick stems), then the harvest is at risk – the plant is carried away by growth. Then it is better to suspend the introduction of litter, and add ash. Cucumbers are advised to feed before flowering, then there will be fewer empty flowers, and more ovaries.
Is it worth buying a litter
The store sells dry organic fertilizers based on chicken manure, these are Piksa, Roossis. This is a balanced diet without harmful substances, they can be watered with seedlings, soaked seeds. Stores offer hot-dried granulated litter. It is easy to store and use. It can be applied dry, for example, between raspberry or nightshade bushes, and if desired, diluted with water, water any plants. If there are no chickens in the country, then such proposals may well solve the problems of seasonal feeding. They do not contain anything harmful, the range of their application is much wider than the fertilizer that we prepare in the country.
Video “Expert opinion on fertilizer”
Informative video with an expert opinion on soil and plant fertilization with bird droppings.