How to feed carrots in August
August is the period when carrots begin to ripen. Mid-season carrots are already harvested in August if planted in May. Late-ripening varieties can be fed to improve the palatability of the fruit, and thanks to this, the carrots will increase in size and be enriched with vitamins. From this article you will find out with what store means and folk methods you can feed a root crop in August.
Folk remedies for feeding carrots in August
If you are thinking of how to feed your carrots in the beds in August, then you can use folk methods. They differ from store-bought fertilizers in minimal costs, and you will be sure of their composition.
Ash, boric acid and yeast are what you can feed carrots in August
The following folk remedies are suitable for feeding carrots:
Ash. You can use ash to fertilize the plant. You can use this fertilizer both at the time of planting carrots, laying them in the soil, and add to the water before watering. You will need one glass of ash for 3 liters of water. After that, you just need to water the plants. Some gardeners simply sprinkle ash on the beds. Thanks to such feeding, the fruits will become even sweeter, and also increase in size. Ash also protects carrots from various diseases.
Boric acid. This feeding can be done twice: in the first two weeks of July or at the beginning of August. You need to add 1 tsp to a liter of hot water. boric acid, after which the solution must be allowed to cool. Then spray the carrots with this solution.
Yeast. If you want to feed the carrots in August for their growth, then use yeast. You will need 100 g of live yeast, one bucket of water, and to activate the yeast, you will need 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. All this must be mixed, insisted for 1,5 hours, and then water the carrots.
Many people prefer homemade fertilizers. This does not require large expenses, and you will be confident in the composition of the fertilizer.
Store products for feeding carrots
If you don’t feel like making your carrot fertilizer at home, you can buy one at the store. Such fertilizers are what you can feed the carrots on the site at the end of August. You can find the following fertilizers in stores:
Ammonium nitrate.
Potassium chloride.
And also complex fertilizers: “Autumn”, “Kemira-Universal”, “Solution”.
If you use them for feeding, then the carrots will increase in size, become sweeter and enriched with vitamins. It is important to follow the instructions on the packaging and read the information from the manufacturer so as not to harm the plant.
Feeding carrots at the end of August is an opportunity to make the fruits sweeter and give them the opportunity to increase in size and absorb minerals and vitamins. Try different methods, both folk and store, and over time you will understand which suits you best.