How to feed a puppy, care for a puppy, how to care

How to feed a puppy, care for a puppy, how to care

The decision to have a four-legged friend should be balanced and responsible. A new family member will require a lot of strength, attention, patience and love. In this article, you will learn how to feed your puppy and how to care for him so that he grows up healthy and active.

From the very beginning, it is necessary to determine a permanent place for the puppy, depending on the living conditions. This can be a spare room, kitchen or other convenient place. Choose a room warm, with a finish that is easy to clean.

Purchase a special sleeping place for your puppy or build one yourself. It should always be dry, soft and warm. Do not let your pet sleep on the couch, and even more so on your bed, it will be extremely difficult to wean him from this.

For normal development and growth, proper balanced nutrition is required. How to feed your puppy so that he grows up healthy and vigorous?

In the first 3 months of life, dairy products should occupy the main place in the diet. You can give whole milk and cook porridge on it, they are nutritious and well absorbed. From time to time, you can give the puppy cottage cheese.

For a grown-up puppy, porridge can be cooked in meat broth.

After 2 months, meat should be included in the diet. Suitable for feeding a puppy:

  • beef;

  • rabbit meat;

  • turkey;

  • offal.

Chicken meat must be introduced carefully – stomach upset is possible.

Before giving the baby meat products, they must be slightly boiled, this will make the meat safe for the health of the puppy.

It is important to introduce vegetables and greens into your puppy’s diet. They contain fiber and valuable trace elements necessary for normal development. However, dogs that love vegetables are the exception to the rule. We’ll have to try to accustom the baby to them. Add small portions of vegetables, raw or lightly boiled, to meats and cereals. It is recommended to use:

  • zucchini;

  • carrot;

  • pumpkin;

  • Bell pepper;

  • cabbage;

  • greens.

Dishes for the puppy cannot be salted, but adding vitamins to them that are suitable for the age of the pet is very useful.

If you plan to use ready-made food, choose trusted manufacturers, buy food based on the age of the pet.

You need to feed a small puppy 5 times a day. Gradually, as it grows up, it is worth teaching the dog to eat four times a day, and from 8 months to switch to three meals a day.

Train yourself to eat from a bowl from a very young age. To do this, purchase several pieces. One will be for feed, the other for liquid. Metal bowls are best so your pet won’t be able to sharpen their teeth.

Puppy care: water treatments

If a small pet still lives with its mother, she knows better than us how to take care of the puppy, and there is no need to bathe him additionally.

Independent puppies need to be bathed from time to time. If it is very small, it is convenient to do it in a sink or basin. In order not to scare the puppy, start bathing from the bottom – paws first, and then water your hands on the coat. This will allow the puppy to get used to the water and enjoy the process.

Important: Be careful not to get water in your eyes or ears. A special bathing collar can be purchased at the pet store

When the wool is completely wet, it is necessary to lather it with a detergent. You can massage your pet during the procedure. After the shampoo, rinse off with water, remembering to rinse the skin folds. Then you need to wrap the puppy in a towel, and then give the opportunity to shake yourself. Bathing is over!

Any puppies, like small children, want to play and have fun. Offer toys to prevent your puppy from playing with your shoes or furniture. For young puppies, choose rubber products that you can chew.

When playing with sticks, do not pull it out of the puppy’s teeth. This will help maintain the correct bite, protect against splinters and wounds.

An important part of caring for a puppy is active walks.

Of great importance for the development of the puppy are frequent walks on which he gets acquainted with the world around him. In the early months, choose a quiet place for walking, gradually accustoming your puppy to noise and movement. It is worth to train a dog to a collar and a leash from 3-4 months.

It is necessary to take care of the puppy on every walk: be sure to examine the pet in order to detect ticks or cuts in time.

Before you take your puppy outside, you need to get vaccinated.

Caring for a puppy is an interesting and rewarding experience, because now you have a real loyal friend for many years. These simple recommendations will help make his life interesting and comfortable.

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