How to feed a pumpkin in the open field

Growing pumpkin is associated with the characteristics of the culture. The development and maturation of a large fetus requires a long wait and additional care. Many hybrid varieties are able to bear fruits weighing up to 10 kg. With additional fertilization of the soil, the indicators increase. Top dressing pumpkins in the open field helps to grow pumpkins weighing up to 20 kg or more.

Do I need to fertilize pumpkin

Pumpkin is an annual plant with the same fruit. The culture takes about 130-150 days to form and ripen fruits. In addition, it is a vegetable that grows on loamy and fertile soils. One of its features is the active absorption of nutrients from the soil. The root system of the pumpkin is well branched and reaches 2 m in length.

Gardeners believe that the pumpkin needs to be fed on time. According to statistics, pumpkin is one of the most powerful consumers of mineral components from the soil. In one season, a pumpkin bush takes about 40 g from 1 sq. m. That is why the soil on which the pumpkin is grown must be regularly fertilized.

Advice! When planting crops, the obligatory crop rotation rule is observed: on the same plot, crops are planted at intervals of 2-3 years.

If you plant a pumpkin on the same soil for several years in a row, this will lead to complete depletion. The soil will stop responding to the addition of additional components.

What does a pumpkin need?

Pumpkins need different nutrients at different stages. For full growth, the pumpkin needs to be fed with fertilizers from mixtures, the main elements of which are: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Top dressings are sorted, depending on the stages of development.

  1. Preparation of seeds. Biostimulants act as top dressings, they activate germination and affect further growth. Pre-sowing soaking increases germination by more than 10%. It is carried out using sodium humate, succinic acid.
  2. Seedling processing. It is carried out after the appearance of the 3rd leaf on the stem. The goals of this technique are to accelerate the development of seedlings, increase adaptive capabilities. The following means are also used: Zdraven, Heteroauxin.
  3. Processing of the root system. It is carried out before direct seating on open ground. The roots are placed in biogrowth stimulators, this speeds up the period of adaptation of seedlings to new conditions. Kornevin is suitable for processing, as well as Zircon.

During the growing season, the pumpkin must be fed with mineral and organic complexes.

How to feed a pumpkin in the open field

Organics are added to the ground when planting seedlings. To do this, use about 100 g of wood ash dissolved in 5 liters of warm water. Top dressing is applied by root method.

Before the formation of the ovary, the pumpkin is fed with another type of organic matter. A solution of slurry or chicken manure is introduced under the root.

Mineral complexes are necessary for culture during flowering and fruit ripening. During this period, the pumpkin can be fed at least 3 times.

Mineral fertilizers for pumpkins are necessary as a source of additional energy for flowering and fruit formation. At the stages of development, the plant expends a large amount of energy. Recovery is the result of obtaining nutrients from the soil.

What is the best way to fertilize a pumpkin?

Pumpkin is a vegetable crop that needs different types of top dressing. They help to improve yields, activate the growth of lashes and the formation of fruits. Pumpkin is suitable for organic and mineral mixtures of single-component and multi-component types.

Organic supplements contain substances in the form of organic compounds. They are rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, in various forms of content. The main organic matter increases the acidity of the soil.

How to feed a pumpkin in the open field

Organic top dressings consist of elements resulting from the decomposition of animal and vegetable products. They perform several tasks at the same time:

  • serve as the basis for improving soil performance;
  • can be used as a layer of mulch, which means they additionally cover the surface;
  • emit carbon dioxide during decomposition, which is a necessary component of photosynthesis of plant crops;
  • have a positive effect on the development of soil bacteria or microorganisms that are in close relationship with the root systems of vegetable crops.

Examples of organic class: manure, peat, compost, humus. Each of the types of organic fertilizers goes through several stages of preparation before it acquires the final composition.

It is important to feed the pumpkin with organic matter at the stage of laying future fruits. In addition, they serve as the basis for saturating the soil, improve the composition and enrich it.

Mineral top dressings are inorganic type compounds that are saturated with nutrients. The basis of mineral fertilizers is useful mineral salts.

How to feed a pumpkin in the open field

A classification has been created for mineral fertilizers, they are divided by type:

  • simple (unilateral);
  • complex (complex or multilateral).

Simple one-component formulations are: superphosphate, potassium chloride, urea. Complex ones contain 2 or more components. The choice between simple and complex mixtures is made based on different characteristics.

Any soil at the time of sowing already contains a set of nutrients. The composition depends on climatic conditions, the characteristics of the region. Soils can have various disadvantages: some are rich in nitrogen, others have a maximum content of phosphorus and potassium. As a rule, magnesium deficiency is felt on sandy soils, chernozem soils suffer from a lack of manganese and molybdenum. Mineral fertilizers are designed to increase yields and improve the taste of pumpkins.

According to the type of top dressing, they can be foliar and basal.

  1. Foliar application methods: spraying of stems and leaves, processing of tops, buds.
  2. Root application: watering with specially prepared solutions into the hole or near the hole space.

Solid forms of fertilizers are applied when loosening the soil. The granules are scattered over the surface, then the top layer is carefully dug up. With rains and systematic watering, the granules gradually settle down and get to the root system. In this way, preventive formulations are introduced. They are not used for fast action.

Pumpkin can be fed with liquid solutions in one of the selected ways:

  • the prepared solution is poured into the main stem in small portions for half an hour;
  • the solution is poured into the grooves dug around the main stem.

Top dressing schedule

The number of top dressings is determined after analyzing a number of factors. It depends on climatic conditions, as well as on the condition of the soil. The main fertilizer applications are determined by the compiled schedule.

During landing on open ground

End of spring, beginning of summer

After landings

After 10 days, subject to availability of 5 true sheets

Before flowering

Beginning – mid-July

During flowering


During the fruiting period

End of August – beginning of September

How to feed a pumpkin in the open field

How to properly feed

At each stage of plant growth, not only the components of the applied mixtures differ, but also the methods of application. During the flowering period, do not spray the plant, this can lead to the loss of buds.

Top dressing for pumpkins is applied not only to the central stem. They may be needed in the area located under the grown lash. The fact is that many varieties of pumpkins have a tendency to grow lashes. Scourges are located on the ground. If they are left uncontrolled for a while, then any of the processes can take root on their own and form a new side bush. In this case, summer residents do not seek to get rid of a spontaneously rooted shoot, but prefer to grow it into an adult plant. At the stage of formation, such a pumpkin also needs top dressing. The long summer and warm early autumn will give the bush the opportunity to form and bring the formed pumpkin to technical ripeness, if the plant is properly fed with mineral complexes.

After planting

After planting the seedlings, wait for the appearance of the 5th – 6th leaf. After sowing the seeds, you can feed the shoots earlier, with the formation of the 2nd – 3rd leaf.

Mineral fertilizers are applied according to the formula: 10 g of urea per 10 liters of water. With this solution, the pumpkin is watered under the root.

Agricultural technicians recommend planning the application of top dressing in advance: during the period before flowering, it is necessary to feed the pumpkin with organic matter and minerals, while there should be a short break between the introduction of mixtures.

  1. Organic: 1 part manure, 10 parts water, 2 tbsp. wood ash. This solution is vigorously shaken and poured under the root.
  2. Mineral: superphosphate, potassium sulfate, ammofoska – 20 g per 10 l of water.
Advice! Before flowering, you can feed the bush with potassium in the form of a one-component fertilizer. Such top dressing will help speed up the budding process.

During the flowering period

During flowering, the pumpkin can be additionally fed with potash solutions. At this stage, the addition of potassium will not become excessive for the pumpkin.

How to feed a pumpkin in the open field

During fruit formation

At the stage of development and ripening of fruits, pumpkin also needs to be fed with minerals. It must be fertilized with solutions of complex type:

  • superphosphate – 15 g;
  • potassium chloride – 20 g;
  • water – 10 l.

Foliar top dressing

Foliar dressings for pumpkins are suitable at the stage before or after flowering. The resulting buds and blooming flowers are not sprayed. In addition, foliar feeding has a number of limitations:

  • the pumpkin is not fed during the day; late evening is suitable for processing;
  • carefully monitor the concentration of the solution so as not to burn the sheet plates;
  • solutions are sprayed at a distance of 15-20 cm.

To do this, 10 g of urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water, sprayed in cloudy weather in the evening.

How to feed a pumpkin in the open field

Advice! Vitamin formulations for green mass can be applied during the growing season, alternating them with root dressings.

Fertilizing pumpkin with folk remedies

Compositions prepared according to folk recipes are more effective. This is due to the fact that they begin to act much faster: and the result immediately becomes noticeable.

  1. Teacher. The product is prepared from 50 ml of ammonia and 5 liters of water. The solution can be used to feed the pumpkin if soil acidification is suspected.
  2. Yeast infusion. 150 g of raw yeast, 10 liters of water, a few tablespoons of sugar insist until completely dissolved, feed under the root. This solution is used if the soil needs additional nitrogen.
  3. Infusion of nettle. Used to repel pests. Cut nettles are placed in a barrel, poured with warm water and insisted for several days. After infusion, the mixture is dissolved in water according to the formula: 1 to 10 and watered under the root.


Top dressing for pumpkins in the open field should be timely and useful. With enough fertilizer on the site, you can harvest a significant crop.

How to grow a pumpkin. Site “Garden World”

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