Special attention should be paid to children’s nutrition: the immaturity of some organs and systems requires careful selection of products, and rapid growth and development – the presence of all vitamins and trace elements on the children’s table. The nutrition of a child athlete should be harmonious, so that there is enough for strength, and for the growth of muscle mass, and for the correct formation of the entire body. The usual sports nutrition of an adult will not suit a small champion.
To begin with, you should definitely follow the daily routine:
– A rich and varied breakfast.
– A second breakfast or snack.
– A mandatory full lunch, even within the walls of an educational institution.
– A light afternoon snack or snack.
– A balanced dinner.
Gaining muscle mass and replenishing energy in an athlete’s life is impossible without additional special nutrition. But not all sports supplements are allowed for children. Fruit and vegetable smoothies are perfect for fortification-they will support strength and will not provoke weight gain. Special supplements make up for the lack of protein and carbohydrates necessary for sports results.
A protein shake is a source of protein necessary for the growth of muscle mass. For children, milk protein is allowed for use, besides, unlike egg and soy, it has a pleasant taste. The quality of the protein should be high, since we are talking about a growing child’s body.
These are proteins with a high carbohydrate content. Suitable for those children who spend a lot of energy during training. Children of primary and secondary school age are so too active, and additional energy costs knock them out of the rut.
Children can combine gainers with protein only on days of training and heavy physical exertion.
Amino acids
When exercising, it is important to get enough amino acids into the body. It is impossible to collect them from the products in the right amount, and therefore you can take additional amino acids. Amino acids are taken strictly after meals or during meals, as they can irritate the stomach. You can add amino acids to protein shakes.
No other supplements can be used for children-athletes – fat burners overexcite the nervous system, creatine irritates the digestive tract, anabolics can provoke disorders of the hormonal system, energy is designed for an adult body.
No one sports result is worth the health of your own child!