How to fast

This year, from March 14 to April 30, Lent will be held. According to religious tradition, it is customary to refuse animal products during fasting. Of course, I want this period to be marked not only by spiritual cleansing, but also physical. Experts told the editorial staff of Woman’s Day how to make sure that you do not want to eat certain foods while fasting.

The secret is balance

A balanced diet allows the body to receive all the nutrients it needs – proteins and carbohydrates, healthy fats and fiber, vitamins and minerals – in the optimal amount and ratio, without exceeding the calorie norm.

But during fasting, refusing some foods and increasing the use of others can lead to a violation of the diet, which will inevitably affect health. To protect yourself from the negative effects of restrictions, it is very important to adhere to a balanced diet during fasting, in which 30% of the daily calories should come from proteins, 30% from fats and 40% from carbohydrates.

And, of course, we must not forget about drinking water and vitamins, without which the body will be vulnerable in spring.

The hardest is the most important

The most difficult thing during fasting is to make up for the lack of protein, which nevertheless should make up a third of the daily diet. Of course, the most beneficial for the body is animal protein, which is much easier to digest. Plant-based protein contains fewer essential amino acids, but is still important for health, especially if you don’t eat meat.

Protein deficiency seriously affects the body’s performance, weakens muscle and bone tissue and lowers immunity. Therefore, when excluding meat from the menu, it is very important to increase your intake of plant-based foods high in protein.

Most protein in legumes. First of all, this is soy, which can completely replace meat and fish, as it contains a full set of essential amino acids. But eating soybeans for 40 days is very unpleasant, so the diet can be diluted with peanuts, peas, lentils, beans, nuts and various cereals.

You can add variety to the diet not only with the usual beans and cereals, but also with protein shakes. For example, the nutritional expert Herbalife Formula 1 Protein Shake is made with soy protein and is great for lean menus. Moreover, it contains the optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, prepared for use in one product.

You can’t do without fats

During the period of Lent, it is forbidden to eat animal fats. But do not rejoice, thinking that the almost complete absence of fat in the diet will contribute to quick and easy weight loss! It is this element that is the most important source of energy for the cells of the body, and its lack can seriously disrupt the metabolism.

A lean menu should include a sufficient amount of foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. To a greater extent, these elements are found in vegetable oil (especially in pine, linseed and hemp), as well as in nuts, seeds and avocados.

Controlling carbohydrates

During Lent, many often give up protein and fat, thereby increasing their carbohydrate intake. However, an excess of this element can disrupt metabolism and add a couple of extra pounds.

To cleanse the body while fasting, excess simple carbohydrates can be replaced with fiber (dietary fiber), a complex carbohydrate that is not digested by the body but is vital for gut health.

Increasing the consumption of dietary fiber found in vegetables, dried fruits, whole grain breads and bran will improve metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin support

We have already figured out how important it is to follow the rules of a balanced diet. But even with the ideal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the body can be vulnerable if you do not consume enough vitamins and minerals, which are simply necessary in the spring.

To avoid vitamin deficiency and its consequences, each meal (and there should be 5 of them a day) should contain vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to eat at least 500 g of the gifts of nature per day, both fresh and cooked.

The pleasure of limitation

Fasting is a great chance to be cleansed not only spiritually, but also physically. The main thing in this case is not to forget about a balanced diet, so that strict restrictions bring only benefits and well-being, and do not become a real test for the body.

Interesting and original recipes, imagination and boundless enthusiasm will help you stay in shape all this time and spend 40 days of fasting for the benefit of yourself and your health.

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