Do you think everyone knows how to sleep? But no! It is important to properly organize the sleeping place and go to bed in order to get up vigorous.
How to sleep if you can’t sleep
Someone calls sleep “a little death”, someone tries to interpret night visions, someone thinks that sleep is wasted time. But no one can deny the importance of sleep for the health of body and soul. It is in this state that our immunity is strengthened, energy reserves are replenished. And there are quite strict rules, violation of which is fraught with poor health and poor health.
Do not fall asleep while the TV is on!
Moreover, any technology, including a laptop and a mobile phone, should be removed from the bedroom so that they do not create electromagnetic fields that affect the brain. Finish reading, listening to the radio, watching TV an hour before going to bed. Take this hour to treat your face and body or take a soothing herbal bath.
Do not eat at night
The last meal, according to doctors, should end 2 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, the intense work of the stomach will prevent you from falling asleep.
Fragrant sleeping pill
There are many ways to consume herbs that promote sleep, such as chamomile and lavender: dripping essential oil into an aroma lamp in the bedroom or bathroom, placing a herb sachet under your pillow, or drinking chamomile tea at night.
Choose discreet shades for the bedroom: burgundy, blue, green.
Bedroom furnishings
- In an interior teeming with vibrant colors, especially reds and oranges, it is good to have sex, but not to sleep. Choose something more restrained for the bedroom: burgundy, blue, green.
- The color of the bed linen can be anything, but not white – it reflects light and creates an excess of it, which is completely unnecessary where people are resting. For the same reason, mirrors should be removed from the bedroom.
- If you and your half share a bed, use different duvets. Whatever passion is raging between you – you need to sleep separately. Or at a distance of 40 cm from each other. But the mattress should be shared. Sleeping on two beds pushed together is wrong – in feng shui it is believed that this separates the couple.
- Ideally, a person should wake up and fall asleep with the sun. In our life it is difficult, but you can save yourself from the alarm clock from April to September. Hang translucent curtains on the windows, then the awakening will be smooth.
- Sleepwear should not be tight, bright, synthetic fabrics. The ideal material for pajamas is cotton.
Listen to your body. But remember that you cannot systematically sleep less than 4 hours a day.
How much sleep do you need?
Usually, 7-9 hours of sleep is enough for people, but there are those for whom even 10 is not enough. Listen to your body. But remember that you cannot systematically sleep less than 4 hours a day.
Keep in mind that you cannot get enough sleep for the future or sleep off later. This approach seriously disrupts the biological rhythm of the body. Women should not work at night – the menstrual cycle may be disturbed, infertility may develop.
Don’t sleep longer than usual on weekends. Sleep duration can be increased by 1-2 hours.
Correct orientation
According to the teachings of feng shui, the head of the bed should be oriented to one of the favorable cardinal points. You can determine this direction by counting your number “gua”.
Add the last two digits of your year of birth. If the result is a two-digit number, add the digits again to get a single-digit number. Then men should subtract 10 from the resulting number, and women should add 5. If necessary, reduce the amount to one-digit number. The result will be your gua number.
People of the Eastern group have the number of “gua” – 1, 3, 4 and 9. People of the Western group have 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
The directions of the Western group are west, southwest, northwest and northeast. The rest are from the eastern group.
See also: dream book.