How to fall asleep effectively during a storm? Here are some tips

The storm keeps you awake? Lightning bolts outside the window woke you up from sleep? Here are some tips that can help you calm down and drift off to sleep when the window thunder, rumble and flashes outside your window.

  1. High summer. In recent days, the temperature has reached up to 30 degrees Celsius, and RCB alerts about the upcoming storm are also frequent
  2. The storm is a difficult time for people with hypertension or asthma, but also for people with low blood pressure
  3. Although, in fact, thunder and lightning outside the window can disturb sleep also for people who do not have these ailments
  4. What to do to fall asleep effectively during a storm? There are a few simple ways
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

There are those who can sleep like a child while outside the window the rain is drumming on the roofs and windows, and the darkness is pierced from time to time with lightning. However, for a large part of the storm, it can seriously disturb sleep.

How Can I Cope with Sleeping in a Storm? Some tips for “The Sun” came from an expert on the subject, James Wilson, aka The Sleep Geek.

«When lightning wakes you up, try not to focus on the storm and get upset. Try meditation, imagine the light at the end of the tunnel, take a few deep breaths, repeat a word over and over. This will give your brain something to focus on, regulate your breathing and lower your heart rate, and it will make you more likely to fall asleep again, ”says Wilson.

If that doesn’t work, Wilson has some other ideas that might help you sleep through the storm.


This seems like too simple and obvious a solution, but suppressing outside noise can be one of the most effective ways to block out the sound of thunder. Earplugs are an inexpensive option, available in several variants, ranging from foam to cotton, to rubber and made of wax. Just put them in your ears and enjoy the quiet night.

Change the place

If your bedroom has lots of windows and is against an exterior wall of the building, chances are it will be louder. So, if possible, move to another place in your home with fewer windows and less noise. Sometimes it is enough to simply move the sofa from the bed, the mere fact of moving around can help you relax temporarily.

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Make the lightning less visible

Another fairly obvious solution is to block out any bright flashes that might disrupt your sleep. Pull down the blinds or shutters or pull the curtains to isolate yourself from bothersome light.

You can also try a completely different solution. Turning on a dim light in the room will make the contrast between the dark and the flashes outside the window much smaller.

Listen to white noise

White noise can also be a good way to block out outside noise. For many people, prolonged monotone sound is a great way to wind down and drift off to sleep. These can be sounds of nature, generated by rain, sea, forest or crickets, but also mechanical sounds made by a windmill, air conditioner, dryer or washing machine. There are many applications that can help you relax with white noise.

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Try to get a “storm buddy”

Some of you have probably seen the movie “Ted”. The main character, the teddy bear Ted and John, played by Mark Wahlberg, are “storm buddies”. They both fear the storm, and their way of dealing with the burst of lightning was by singing a song together.

Turns out it actually works. According to scientists, when hugging another person (it can also be plush), our brain produces hormones – oxytocin and serotonin – that help us feel better, more confident and safer.

Lower the temperature in the room

According to experts, the optimal temperature in the bedroom that allows us to sleep best is 18 degrees C or lower. This will allow our body temperature to drop by one degree. If the temperature in the bedroom is too high, we will not be able to get rid of the excess internal heat, and this will prevent adequate sleep.

Change to natural bedding

Recently, we talked with the dermatologist Dr. Anna Bachleda-Curuś about what to sleep in in hot weather. She recommended natural fabrics, i.e. silk and cotton pajamas.

  1. The doctor tells you what to walk and sleep in in hot weather

The same applies to bedding. It does not have to be an investment in silk bedding immediately, but for the comfort of our sleep on warm and stormy nights, cotton will be much better than synthetic materials.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to one of the ways to deal with stress – the TRE method. What is it about? How does it release us from stress and trauma? Who is it intended for and who should definitely not use it? About this in the latest episode of our podcast.

Do you need support to get a good night’s sleep? Reach for sleep syrup with lemon balm or Melatonin 3 mg supplement – improvement of sleep quality

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