How to extend your intercourse? Tips to make your sex more satisfying

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There are many factors that determine satisfaction with sex life: the frequency of intercourse, the level of communication with a partner or a sense of one’s own attractiveness. One of the most important of these is the length of intercourse – after all, it’s hard to talk about satisfaction with sex when it is over before the partners have time to enjoy each other. Unfortunately, many men are dissatisfied with the length of their intercourse. Here’s what we recommend for longer intercourse.

What is premature ejaculation?

According to the current state of medical knowledge, premature ejaculation is a sexual dysfunction in which ejaculation takes place with a minimum of sexual stimuli, before or shortly after penetration, resulting in negative emotional experiences in a man or his partner. If the problem of premature ejaculation persists, it can seriously affect relationships in a relationship, a man’s self-esteem and stress levels, especially when dealing with the opposite sex.

The causes of premature ejaculation

There is no one reason why men are forced to look for ways to prolong intercourse. It is known that premature ejaculation can accompany cardiovascular and prostate diseases. Some studies also suggest that this phenomenon may be related to too low levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter mediating many processes in the brain. In such a situation, doctors may prescribe dapoxetine, i.e. pills to prolong the intercourse belonging to SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), i.e. acting similarly to antidepressants.

Other causes of premature ejaculation include excessive sexual abstinence or, conversely, too high frequency of masturbation. It often happens to young men and teenagers, whose hormonal economy is still operating at high speed.

Worth knowing

Researchers agree that, in most cases, premature ejaculation is psychological. Stress, insecurity during intercourse, or too high expectations of one’s sexual abilities can make intercourse shorter than we would like.

How to extend the ratio – the most popular methods

This means that the key to satisfying sex can be the right attitude: calmness, openness, and healthy self-confidence. Sometimes psychotherapy may be necessary. However, there are a few “tricks” that can help you make intercourse longer.

  1. Alcohol, as is known, has an anesthetic effect, which also applies to the nerve endings on the penis. Used in moderation, it can help you relax and better control your orgasm. Of course, you can’t go overboard with it, because if we drink too much, sex may become impossible.
  2. Condoms of various thicknesses are available on the market – also thicker to reduce sensations and delay ejaculation.
  3. There are also anesthetic gels on sale to help prolong intercourse. However, these preparations may also have a negative impact on sexual satisfaction – the anesthetic effect may be too high, and the gel may also desensitize the inside of the partner’s vagina.

If you want to enjoy the high quality of your sex life, try N ° 1 Libido HIM – a libido supplement for men, thanks to which you will support the functions of your sexual organs.

In order to slowly build up tension in the bedroom, you can also choose an erotic massage using Intimate Earth: awake massage oil Awake, sensual oil Sensual or energizing oil Energize. An alternative to classic oils are Senze Blissful Swede or Senze Teasing Swede massage candles.

Fortunately, there are also less invasive methods that do not require any kind of product. Just trying these methods can be an interesting diversion in your sex life.

  1. The three-finger technique, according to legends, originated in ancient China. It involves pressing the perineum (the point between the testicles and the anus) just before ejaculation. It is believed to be very effective in delaying orgasm.
  2. Kegel training, i.e. the muscles of the pelvic floor that we tighten to stop the passing of feces and urine. They can be trained just like any other body muscle. Clenching them against the coming orgasm can delay it. In addition, this type of exercise increases awareness of your own body, which also has an impact on the duration of intercourse.
  3. As you feel your orgasm approaching, you can also stop penetration and allow yourself a moment to cool down. This moment can be used to caress the partner in other ways, combining this method with others mentioned above or changing the sexual position. All this makes the intercourse not only longer, but also more varied.
  4. If you ejaculated very shortly after penetration began, or even before it happened, then perhaps nothing is lost. It is worth trying to take care of your partner, and maybe after a while the erection will return and you will be able to conduct a “second round”. It is very likely that ejaculation will come much later during her.

You can also try the Pro-Long Pjur ratio prolonging spray, which gently anesthetizes. It can be used together with a condom.

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  1. Ngicela ukukhishwamasende

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