How to exercise on a rowing machine – the basic rules

What is a rowing machine, how to use it correctly for beginners.

The rowing machine is a sports universal system that makes it possible to conduct strength training. With it, you can strengthen the heart and blood vessels. It has many advantages, since when using it, not one, but many muscle groups are involved. Because it is considered very effective, it is used both in gyms and at home.

  • To create a rowing machine, experts took an ordinary boat as a basis, where you need to row intensively with oars in order to get from one river bank to another. Here, too, there are “oars” that need to be moved in one direction or another.
  • The seat moves along the built-in rails. Using the simulator, you will not only strengthen your arms, shoulder girdle, back and abs, but also learn how to row correctly, you will be able to improve your rowing skills if you were fond of it before.

This simulator does not cause any harm to health: when using it, there is no great pressure on the spine. Therefore, it can be used not only by young people, but also by people of a more mature age.

What muscles work on a rowing machine?

  • The simulator during the exercise actively includes the work of all the muscles of the back. If you do regular cardio workouts, then they are more focused on leg work.
  • During rowing, the trapezius muscles of the back are involved, the hands are also actively working, the forearms are included. The hips and quadriceps do not remain idle. Therefore, rowing is useful for those who want to strengthen the whole body, make the back healthier, and improve posture.
  • Rowing not only gives a positive effect on the body, but also teaches discipline, endurance, and also calms – which is important and good for mental health.
  • The rowing machine is suitable for high-intensity interval training. This is a sure way to lose weight, get rid of excess fat.

By regularly exercising on the rowing machine, you will strengthen your muscles, lose weight and get the sculpted body that you have always dreamed of. Rowing also increases lung capacity and is a preventive measure against many chronic diseases.

Features of the rowing machine

There are two main types of rowing machine. It is mechanical and magnetic. They differ from each other in functions, have their own characteristics.

  • Mechanical rowing machine – Considered more affordable. It can be purchased even for homework, which is very convenient. It works like this. In hydraulic cylinders, the resistance changes, which affects the load. You can also change the load due to the oars – the length of the levers determines how easy or difficult it will be to row. If the lever is very long, then rowing will be easier, which is suitable for beginners. If you want to increase your load, then the oars should be of moderate length or short.
  • Magnetic rowing machine – It differs in that the load in it can be changed automatically. It is more expensive than a mechanical counterpart, but it is very convenient to use, since you will not need to be interrupted to change the load. There are trainers with different degrees of load. They give a certain load for each hand separately, which will allow you to work out a weaker hand and make it stronger.
  • Additional functionality – Both mechanical and magnetic simulators have built-in microcomputers, where you can record the pulse, set the time for classes. On the monitor, you will see how many movements you have done, as well as how many calories you have spent in one workout.

There is an additional feature on magnetic simulators that allows you to connect to the network to connect with friends and conduct real competitions online. There are also programs that improve the professional skills of the rower and enhance the effect of each lesson.

How to use a rowing machine for beginners?

Despite the fact that the rowing machine looks simple on the outside, it puts a huge load on the whole body. If you have never rowed at least at an amateur level before, did not train your muscles regularly, were not fond of any sport, then you need to be careful about rowing exercises.

On the first day of training, your sessions should not last more than 15 minutes if you are exercising at a slow or medium pace – up to 30 strokes per minute. In order not to harm the body and benefit from your actions, consider the following rules:

  • before sitting on the simulator, do a simple warm-up;
  • watch your back – it should be as even as possible so that when rowing, its slope is not more than 45 degrees;
  • take care of the knee joints – transfer the load to the muscles of the thighs and buttocks;
  • perform smooth, even movements, without jerks and interruptions;
  • take into account the peculiarities of your body, the opportunities that you now have, so as not to exercise “until you lose your pulse”;
  • you need to increase the load, but do it not immediately, but gradually, when you feel that it has become too easy for you.

All these rules will allow you to safely exercise on the rowing machine. You will gradually join the world of sports and later you will be able to give yourself more intense loads without harm to health.

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