How to equip a kitchen in the country nicely and inexpensively

How to equip a kitchen in the country nicely and inexpensively

Freestyle formation

There are several types of complete set of modular kitchens, they are divided according to the principle of location in the room.


The simplest type. In this case, the elements are located along the wall: on the floor of the cabinets, above them there are cabinets. This is a fairly economical location in terms of space use, so it should be chosen for small kitchens. The most popular sets of direct kitchens are 2-2,4 meters. The only thing that is important to remember is the location of the water supply lines and the stove: the working area should be between them. If the house is still under construction, consider this when designing.

Double row

This type is perfect if you have a square kitchen. In this case, the modules are placed along opposite walls. If you want – install a sink and a stove on one side, between which there will be a working area. If you want – put there a refrigerator and modules for storing food and dishes – a two-row arrangement of the kitchen gives you this opportunity.


The most versatile option. It is suitable for any layout and any size of the kitchen. Usually, in this scheme, the sink is located in the corner, on the sides of the set is limited by a refrigerator and a stove. Most often, the corner layout is used in small rooms. In contrast to the straight and two-row scheme, you have additional corner storage spaces – from floor cabinets and pedestals to hanging shelves.

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