How to enter normal sleep mode?

Hello dear blog readers! If you go to bed one night, as expected, and spend the second with eyes wide open. If you wake up when it’s still dark and start making plans to take over the world, well, or at least remember yourself as a child. If you are thinking about how best to improve your financial situation, and then in the morning you are unable to get ready for work, then this article is just for you.

Today we’ll talk about how to enter sleep mode if you lost it, or didn’t have it at all, and you went to rest differently each time.


I think you are aware that the average sleep rate is at least 8 hours. Anyone who fails to carve out so much time for rest suffers from chronic fatigue, depression and many other diseases associated with lack of sleep. Even some cognitive abilities are lost. The person becomes irritable and cannot concentrate on the task at hand.

It is especially bad if a person goes to bed after 12 at night. His biological rhythms go astray. And then, it turns out, his body does not work for itself, and sometimes even idle.

You can learn more information from this article, which tells about whether it is harmful to not sleep at night.

And now let’s move on to recommendations that will help restore, change the mode.



If you are used to going to bed after midnight, then be prepared for the fact that at exactly 21:00 you will not fall asleep soundly and deeply.

Gradually move time a little bit, without demanding the impossible from yourself. 20 minutes every few days is enough. Even if you don’t immediately get to plunge into the world of Morpheus, just start your usual ritual.

So your body will not experience stress, and you will not really notice how you managed to cope with the task.

How to enter normal sleep mode?

Keep calm

If you blame yourself and worry about this, you run the risk of “earning” a neurosis. When obsessive thoughts arise and do not give rest, causing anxiety and other unpleasant emotions.

And if you are nervous while lying in bed, then there can be no question of any good rest. This also applies to moments when you have been trying to fall asleep for hours, but nothing comes out. Instead of worrying, just tell yourself that you will have enough time left to recover and feel cheerful in the morning.

Fight bad habits

I think everyone knows that it is not recommended to listen to loud aggressive music in the evening, drink coffee or strong tea, watch TV and, moreover, leave it to work instead of a night light. Everyone knows, but not everyone adheres to these rules.

For many, this is almost an obligatory ritual, to devote several hours to watching the news on social networks. And completely useless. All sorts of commercials that I would not have paid attention to before. And, of course, photos of strangers.

All this not only prevents you from falling asleep, but also introduces difficulties, disrupting the phases of sleep. That is, you can sleep for at least 10 hours, but you will feel tired, weak. What’s the point of going to bed early if you don’t have the energy to get out of bed in the morning?

Therefore, reconsider your habits, try to take a walk in the evenings in the warm season, at least in the area, if the park is far from you or it is dangerous to get to it.

Take a warm bath, listen to relaxing music. Read books, just not the ones that you can’t put aside without knowing how the story ends. You can draw, meditate.

Get up early

In order to break this vicious circle, when you stay up to the last at night, and in the morning you have to rearrange the alarm clock 20 times and rush to work without even having time to take a shower. In addition to going to bed a little earlier, you should also get up a little earlier.

Then you will feel tired and need to rest faster in the evening. So, you will enter the normal mode, or at least the desired one.

Only this recommendation applies to weekends. It is clear that during the working week, thoughts that Saturday will come and you will lie in bed until lunch, making up for the lost in full, amuse. But this will only nullify your previous torment.

How to enter normal sleep mode?


Experts do not recommend eating a heavy meal a few hours before bedtime. But a light snack to arrange is not only possible, but necessary. A glass of warm or cool milk with a spoonful of honey will be quite useful. Also, cottage cheese with berries or a banana will not hurt.

It contains tryptophan, an amino acid that our body does not produce. Thanks to him, serotonin is produced, which is also called the hormone of joy. As well as melatonin, the sleep hormone.

A person who is used to falling asleep after 12 at night therefore suffers from insomnia and depression, since melatonin should be produced at this time. It promotes falling asleep, high-quality and good rest. And our body works like clockwork. Accordingly, the rest of the settings go astray and there are problems with health and activity.


You can, of course, make excuses that you are simply an “owl” from birth and cannot transform into a “lark” in any way. But these are just excuses. Here it is necessary to show willpower, discipline.

You are an adult and you will definitely be able to pull yourself together and take care of your health. And this article will help in such a sometimes difficult, but important matter.


And to make it easier to accustom yourself to the regime, pay attention to your room. I mean the conditions under which you fall asleep. We have already found out that it is impossible to leave the TV on. But even a small blinking button on the monitor screen can interfere with a good rest.

Make sure that nothing extra flickers. If it’s scary to be in complete darkness, leave a dimmed light from a night lamp, no more. Be sure to check the room half an hour before it’s time to go to bed. It should be slightly chilly, but never hot.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! Finally, I want to recommend an article on how to wake up without an alarm clock by setting your body to a certain time. Yes, yes, it is quite real. Get detailed information by clicking here.

Take care of yourself and loved ones!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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