How to enter a 500 kcal deficit? How to reduce calories? |

In this article you will learn, among others:

  • How to enter a 500 kcal deficit?
  • How to reduce calories?
  • How do you move more?
  • How To Burn More Calories?
  • What to order in a restaurant on a diet?
  • What are some ways to eat less?

How to enter a 500 kcal deficit?

Breakfast is the perfect start to cutting calories! Do you pour milk over your cereal? Great, choose oatmeal instead of granola, you can save up to 70 kcal. Put the fatty milk in the fridge and reach for 1,5% milk. fat, thanks to this you will eat 60 kcal less. It is also a good idea to boil an egg in the morning. Such a protein meal will fill you for longer, thanks to which you will eat less during the day.

Do you eat folded sandwiches for your second breakfast? You can make changes here too. All you need to do is spread butter on one slice of bread, and put poultry meat, lean cottage cheese and vegetables on the other, which will save you up to 160 kcal. 

Wholemeal sandwiches are less caloric than white sandwiches.

In the afternoon, eat yourself warm vegetable soup, which, unlike a salad dripping with mayonnaise will only provide 56 kcal, and it will fill your stomach and warm you up pleasantly. However, if you still prefer a salad, replace mayonnaise or vinaigrette with yogurt and minimize caloric additives such as caramelized nuts, avocados, dried fruit, croutons, bacon, yellow cheese. 

If you have a warm dinner or half-board in the evening, watch out for the amount of pasta. One serving (100 g) is about 350 kcal, but most people eat several of them. If you choose Bolognese sauce for this, your evening meal can become a treat a few people would eat. 

How to reduce calories?

100 g (roughly 3 handfuls) of nuts is about 600 kcal. How fast can you eat this amount? Half an hour is usually enough. If you serve yourself such an addition to the menu every day, within a week, instead of losing weight, you will gain weight. If you also eat in front of the TV, you automatically put the food in your mouth so you can eat almost 300 kcal morethan if you sat down at the table in silence.

Do you love to enjoy coffee with syrup, whipped cream and sprinkles after work? You have to bear in mind that you can do this drink over 600 kcal. However, it is enough to replace it with good-quality coffee with skim milk, so that the pleasure of drinking does not widen your hips.

Can’t do without a portion of whipped cream? Instead of a large mug, choose a small espresso.

The next calories are carried by sweet carbonated drinks, sweetened juices, syrups. A can of cola is 140 kcal. Three are enough to make your dreams of a slim figure a thing of the past. Equally good in taste and less caloric are squeezed juices or water with lemon and mint. Thanks to such a swap you can save 500 kcal.

How do you move more?

Movement, exercise and any activity are always calories burned. Therefore, try to introduce it wherever possible. Are you talking on the phone? Instead of sitting in an armchair, walk around the room. Are you doing laundry? Hang them in the drying room on the top floor of the block and go up the stairs to get there. Do you have to go to the boss a few floors up? Give up the elevator. This will allow you to burn up to 200 kcal at a time. If you additionally walk 10 steps during the day (the pedometer will be helpful in counting), you will burn another 500 kcal.

What to order in a restaurant on a diet?

If you are in a restaurant, order dietary, healthy dishes. Always pay attention to the portion you get and the method of processing. Remember that there is a lot of hidden fat in fried dishes. Fried, breaded chicken breast has 600 kcalwhile stewed in vegetables 170 kcal. Besides, a light snack at the beginning of a meal should not be an excuse to reach for dessert at the end of it. However, as research shows, some people fall into this trap by giving themselves permission caloric dessert as a reward for a healthy salad.

If you eat at home, try to put the right amount directly on your plate and leave the pot in the kitchen. Thanks to this, you will avoid reaching for more.

What are some ways to eat less?

Also remember that serving size matters. If you replace a 30cm plate with a 25cm plate, you’ll eat about 25 percent less. This makes a meal of 400 calories into a dish of 300 calories. 

Also, try to eat slowly and listen to your body. If you rush to eat, you will eat more than your body actually needs. The signal about satiety reaches the brain only after about 20 minutes.

title photo is from: blair_25 / Foter / CC BY

first photo comes from: ninacoco / Foter / CC BY

second photo comes from: jgbarah / Foter / CC BY-SA

the third photo is from: Wiertz Sébastien / Foter / CC BY

What are your tricks for burning more calories? What is your way to get more exercise during the day?

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