How to enlarge the mammary glands at home with folk remedies
A sensational study by scientists made the fairer sex nervous. Judge for yourself: according to experts, the daily consumption of three cups of coffee can lead to a decrease in breast size. Do you think we’re kidding? Yes … would it be!
Women are hardly capable of making jokes about their own bust. Especially when there is nothing to be proud of. But supporters of traditional medicine, it seems, are ready to sprinkle jokes above the waist as much as they like. Believe it or not, check it out … Woman’s Day, inspired by yet another study on the “miraculous properties” of coffee, decided to explore all the most popular breast augmentation methods. And this is what we got …
Possible outcome: a significant increase in the growth of the mammary glands.
Mode of application: apply a fine mesh to the desired area. Combine with intensive physical treatments that develop the muscles of the chest.
What’s the trick: once on the skin, it causes an increased blood flow to the selected area. And physical exercises, massages and contrast showers will consolidate the result.
Flax seeds, bean curd, and beans
Possible outcome: breast augmentation by two (!) sizes.
Mode of application: eating.
What’s the trick: Flaxseeds, soy sauce, and beans are high in estrogen, which can help promote glandular development.
Possible outcome: breast augmentation by one size.
Mode of application: use fresh in salads. You can also eat sauerkraut.
What’s the trick: cabbage affects the hormones that cause breast growth.
Possible outcome: increased growth of mammary glands.
Mode of application: eating.
What’s the trick: dairy products improve metabolism and promote estrogen production.
Possible outcome: an increase in breast growth to an indeterminate size …
Mode of application: eating raw dough since adolescence. This product, according to supporters of traditional medicine, causes an intensive growth of the mammary glands.
What’s the trick: the authors of the folk proverb (“A girl who eats raw dough, her breasts grow big”) honestly admit that they do not know the reasons for breast growth after eating the dough. In their opinion, most likely, the matter is in the high content of vitamins in the product. In one thing, the authors of the beauty recipe are sure for sure: the breast is really growing.
Other recipes to help grow breasts
– Eating specific foods (honey and walnuts, green apples, fish, red wine).
– Taking a contrast shower.
– Compresses from geranium and ylang-ylang oil.
– Rubbing the breast with almond oil.
– Eating products containing hops.
– The use of mustard plasters in the “right” places.
Are you satisfied with your breast size?
Yes, I have a third (or fourth)!
Quite, I have a second
I have small breasts, but no one has complained yet
Not really. But thanks to push-up!
Now yes. Plastic surgeons work wonders!
Experiencing traditional medicine recipes
I do not care
Therapist, member of the Russian Society of Cardiology Denis Prokofiev:
– Why do some women have a magnificent bust, while others have an average one? Breast size is primarily a hereditary predisposition. However, an external factor such as infection can interfere with it. Sore throat transferred in childhood or any other infectious disease can affect the formation of the breast and, despite the hereditary factor, slow down the development of breast tissue.
As for the methods you described … As a therapist and at the same time the son of a plastic surgeon, I can say for sure: cabbage, dough and other products are not helpers in breast augmentation. Compresses and mustard plasters are also ineffective and dangerous. All folk methods of “growing” a magnificent breast are myths.
In medical terms, the mammary gland consists of glandular tissue, and its volume can be increased only through an implant. It is impossible to influence the growth of glandular tissue with any herbs, ointments or food. Only mammoplasty or … excess weight will help. If you gain weight, then due to the fatty tissue, your breasts will become larger, however, like the rest of the body.
* The editorial staff of Woman’s Day cannot guarantee that the above methods of breast augmentation will work. Moreover, we do not advise you to use them. But to read the article “about cabbage”, on the contrary, we recommend with an enviable frequency. We bet it trains your sense of humor, brings out a smile, and sometimes hilarious laughter. Laughter is known to prolong life. So read Woman’s Day and live long!
PS Our authors will be glad to receive your comments and new funny recipes for ways to form a bust.