How to enlarge lips with gymnastics


This exercise is a bit like the previous one. We also stretch our lips into a tube, but this time we draw an infinity sign in the air. 10 times clockwise and 10 times counterclockwise.


Now we will knead the lower jaw a little. To do this, we need to combine two vowel sounds, A and O, into one drawl “AO”. Then everything is simple – we substitute this pair for each consonant letter of the alphabet in order: B, C, D, D … Thus, we will get BAO, VAO, GAO … At the same time, whenever the mouth opens, you need to bring a clenched fist to it right hand, as if trying to knead it between the teeth. Then the mouth will open as wide as possible, and the muscles of the face and cheekbones will strive for the desired shape.

You – Fi

Pronounce these syllables one at a time, placing maximum emphasis on the lips. The upper lip is actively working on the “Vi” syllable, the lower lip on the “Phi”! We repeat 20 times.

Tongue injections

To give expression to the cheekbones and volume to the lips, tongue injections from the inside will help. The lips are closed, the teeth are open. Try to make the injections themselves as sharp as possible. For a start, 10-15 times is enough, since the tongue will quickly get tired from habit. Then the pace and number of injections can be increased.

Thin plate

Clamp a thin plate / piece of paper / cardboard between the lips. We hold it with effort in this state for up to 30 seconds. Thus, by the way, not only the volume of the lips will change, but also the color will become more saturated.

Deflating ball

Close your lips tightly and try to puff out your cheeks as if you were a balloon. Now hold your breath for a few seconds. Then imagine that the balloon is deflating very smoothly, and slowly release the air with the sound “P-P-P”. It is recommended to perform this exercise 15-20 times.

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