Lip augmentation products, or plumpers (from the English plump – full, plump), cannot yet compete with injections. But they act instantly, give a beautiful shine and are more than pleasant to use.
In addition to a variety of nutritional and moisturizing complexes, lip augmentation products include colored and optical pigments, silicones, hyaluronic acid, peptides, paprika, ginger and mint extracts. They can be called the main components of the funds. After all, without them, plumpers would be just the most ordinary caring creams. Very good, though.
CLarins Lift Anti-Rides smoothes and tightens skin
The action of the plumpers can be divided into two parts. The first is an instant effect. Thanks to the “hot” components (pepper, mint, ginger), blood flow to the lips is activated. As a result, the lips become bright scarlet and seductively plump. In the absence of these “intoxicating” components (or as an addition to them), hyaluronic acid comes into play. Its particles absorb moisture, swell and visually smooth the surface of the skin, which also creates the effect of a sensual mouth. In addition to the instantaneous, the funds also give a prolonged effect. The peptides included in many of them activate collagen synthesis. Thanks to this, the lips become younger and smoother, their contour becomes clear, and fine wrinkles at the mouth are smoothed out.
Clinique Full Potential Lips brightens and nourishes
Carita Cream Perle de Jeunesse Lèvres works in a complex: rejuvenates and improves the shape of the lips
Among all the variety of lip augmentation products, two main groups are clearly visible. The first one is decorative products: glitters, gels and balms. In addition to volume, they give a bright color and glossy shine. The second group includes creams and emulsions. They do not have an instant visual effect, they act gradually and return a girlish juiciness to the lips, smooth and soften the skin around the mouth, and make the contour clearer.
Colorless creams and emulsions make great lipstick bases. They can be used throughout the day, applying as needed. Colored gloss is used either on its own, or in a thin layer over lipstick.
Estee Lauder Instant High Gloss Plump
SynchrolineFillast Lip Serum moisturizes and regenerates the skin
For funds with an instant effect, the effect is limited to two to four hours. For all their advantages, lip augmentation products will not be able to correct serious imperfections and noticeably correct the shape of the mouth. To do this, you will have to resort to injection correction.
Pros The result of the plumpers can be seen almost immediately. Anti-aging components in the composition of the products fight aging and wrinkles.
ConsSome people may not like the burning sensation on the lips. Some instant plumpers dry the lips a little.
Helena Rubinstein Collagenist Lip Zoom
BootsCinnamon Instant Lip Plumper. Smells like her