How to enlarge breasts without implants: before and after photos

The plastic surgeon spoke about the technique that will help to get the desired bust size.

Leading Russian specialist in the field of breast plastic surgery, founder of the largest Moscow clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology “DoctorPlastic” and a specialized center for momoplasty Bustklinik

Opinion polls show that more than half of women are unhappy with the size or shape of their bust. It is not surprising that plastic surgery, which allows you to get almost perfect breasts without any problems, is very popular.

The only question that stops some girls is breast implants. Not every woman is ready to accept the fact that “artificial objects” will appear in her body, even if safety is guaranteed by all doctors and scientists of the world. The good news is that breast augmentation without implants is possible, an alternative method exists. For breast augmentation use lipofiling – transplantation of the patient’s own adipose tissue. The breast after such an operation not only looks, but in fact is completely natural.

Features of lipofilling

The operation is performed through small punctures in the skin. Adipose tissue is taken from the abdomen, thighs or other area of ​​the body using a special vacuum apparatus and transplanted into the chest area. All manipulations are performed under general anesthesia, the average duration of the operation is 2 hours.  

The scope of lipofilling is not at all limited to breast augmentation. These methods are also used for more complex types of aesthetic correction, for example, correcting the tubularity of the breast (the shape of the mammary glands, similar to a narrow tube or cone). Fat grafting is often used to correct asymmetry or other deformity of the mammary glands, as well as for breast reconstruction after cancer surgery.

Pros and cons of breast lipomodelling

In addition to the absence of implants, the girls are especially pleased with the fact that after the operation there are no stitches left and there is no need to be afraid that the traces of the surgeon’s work will be noticeable.

Concerning shortcomings, the main one is quite serious restrictions associated with the volume of transplanted fat.

  1. A girl can be so thin that she simply does not have enough fatty tissue for a transplant. True, such cases are very rare, practice shows that even very slender girls have the necessary amount of adipose tissue for transplantation. Moreover, its quality is even better than that of obese women.

  2. The difficulty of ensuring the most complete “survival”, because the patient needs the transplanted fat cells to remain in the breast forever, and not disappear after a couple of months.

The fact is that as a result of traditional lipofilling, on average, 10–30% of the transplanted fat cells take root. This is very small. Today we can get 2-3 times more – up to 60%. How? But this is already science! A team of doctors under the leadership of surgeon V.S. Vasiliev in collaboration with researchers from one of the leading scientific centers of regenerative medicine.

What factors can increase the effectiveness of lipofilling?

1. During the operation, it is very important to ensure the safety of the cells. Here comes to the rescue special apparatus, which extracts living adipose tissue without unnecessary impurities, avoiding additional trauma to living cells during the cleaning process.

2. The duration of the operation should be kept to a minimum. Fat is quickly oxidized, and so that cells do not die on contact with air, you need to use them as quickly and carefully as possible.

3. It is advisable to carry out special preparation of the cell transplant area in order to provide them with the most favorable conditions for adaptation (the latest scientific achievements are the use of biologically active factors in the patient’s own blood).

4. Safety first. Lipofilling of the female breast requires special care. Cell transplantation is carried out superficially, outside the zone of the mammary glands, so as not to affect their functioning and not harm health in any way. That is why, when planning lipofilling, you need to go to specialized centers specifically to breast lipomodelling specialists, and not to general plastic surgeons.

Rehabilitation after lipofilling

  1. The main condition for successful cell engraftment is peace and a positive attitude.

  2. It is necessary to use special underwear (not at all such underwear as after normal mammoplasty). Such a bra protects the breast, does not squeeze it, does not interfere with blood supply, and creates the best conditions for adaptation.

  3. The transplanted fat cells take several months to take root. At this stage, regular examinations and hardware control (ultrasound) are carried out to exclude any complications.

  4. Sometimes, if the cells do not take root well enough, fluid may appear at the transplant site. Usually the body copes with this, but it happens that it needs help. If the accumulated fluid is removed in a timely manner through a puncture, the risk of complications can be eliminated and the conditions for adaptation of fat cells can be improved, which means that the best possible result can be ensured.

  5. During the rehabilitation period, drugs can be prescribed that stimulate blood circulation, tissue regeneration, strengthening and anti-inflammatory.

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