How to enjoy whatever you do. Even the most boring

Do you write long to-do lists and get terribly tired doing the same tasks day in and day out? We offer nine tips on how to enjoy even the most monotonous and uninteresting work.

We do interesting work faster and better than monotonous work. Everyone has to cope with many routine tasks every day. We put them off until later, but they accumulate. We cannot refuse to do what we do not like, but we can change our attitude towards boring activities.

1. Add music and dance to your life

Music inspires, dancing energizes and provides physical activity. Is there laundry today? Turn on the music and start dancing as you sort the laundry and put it in the washing machine. Cooking dinner and taking the kids to school is more fun with music. Turn up the volume and sing along.

2. After you have done something important and difficult, please yourself

This advice works when something needs to be done, but you do not want to. The reward doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated, it should be fun. In the spring, you need to plant bushes in the garden. You did it and you deserve a hot bath. The end of exams can be celebrated with dinner at a restaurant or a party with friends.

3. Use a timer

Set a timer for 10 or 15 minutes and try to do the things you don’t like as quickly as possible. This is effective when you need to collect things scattered around the house. Prepare a few baskets and start collecting socks, toys and stationery that are lying on the floor. Try to get the object you found into the right container.

4. Share responsibilities with a partner

Properly organized division of duties makes relationships closer and more sincere. The situation when the husband washes the dishes after dinner, and the wife clears the table, speaks of a healthy equal relationship. At this time, you can discuss business, and as a bonus, listen to music and dance. Preparing for a house party and buying gifts for relatives is also more pleasant together.

5. Break Big Projects into Small Tasks

Often we are intimidated by the amount of work, but if you think of it in small steps, everything will become easier. To clean up your closet, sort out one shelf every week. If you need to deal with bills, spend a few minutes today on utility bills, tomorrow on tax papers. When you need to change the content of a website, do it gradually but regularly, 1-2 pages a day.

6. Come up with a ritual

Daily activities can bring joy if they become part of a relationship. Don’t like to get up early? Take turns serving each other coffee in bed and saying words of love or walking the dog every day.

7. Spend more time outdoors

Physical activity improves concentration, discussing the distribution of household chores or work tasks more efficiently during a walk. Try to pay attention to the beauty of nature and good weather.

8. Team up with friends

Want to lose weight? Team up with friends who have similar goals. Sign up for a fitness or swimming pool, cheer each other up and compare the results. After class, you can have a good time with a cup of tea.

9. Listen to stories

To work more efficiently, you can listen to an audiobook or watch a movie. You will sort out the cluttered garage faster than the fascinating story is over.

About the author: Melissa Orlov is a psychologist and bestselling author of Attention Deficit Disorder in Marriage.

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