How to enjoy life

How to enjoy life

Most people are constantly in a bad mood, quarreling and depressed because of any minor problem. But it suffers not from the events themselves, but from their interpretation. Correctly interpreting what happened and discarding unnecessary emotions in time is a whole science. And it can be mastered, I am sure the Dutch doctor Roy Martina, author of the book “The Art of Emotional Balance” – a bestseller of popular science literature.

The power of negative emotions is so great that it can not only ruin the mood, but also lead to destruction. Do you already remember anything from your life? For example, broken dishes or things broken in a fit of anger? But the demolished roof of a house can be repaired, a broken car can be replaced, even the destroyed valuable Chinese porcelain of the Ming dynasty can be forgiven at last. But here’s how to cope with lurking resentment, fear, anger and constant stress?

The art of analyzing

The emotional balance method consists of three exercises with which you can defeat phobias and stress. “In my practice, there are thousands of examples when people who used this method radically changed their lives: they became more energetic, relieved of stress, slept better, brought weight back to normal, felt stronger, more active and happier,” says the doctor Roy Martin.

What does that require? Every day, of your own free will, spend 5 minutes before bedtime and 5 minutes after waking up in the morning alone with yourself, thinking about yourself, about your inner feelings. The results will be noticeable: you will begin to sleep sweetly, and wake up relaxed and rested, in a good mood.

How to forget about stress

Emotional balance method

  1. Every night before going to bed, remember your day.

  2. Evaluate the situations that you had to face, highlight among them those that have become a source of stress for you.

  3. Then ask yourself exactly how you should think and how to behave so that these situations do not affect your comfort zone.

  4. Then, once again conjure up the stressful situation, only now allow yourself to relax and feel comfortable.

By analyzing stressful situations in this way, you can very effectively deal with their unpleasant consequences. In a few weeks, your body and nervous system will be programmed for a different perception of stress.

This technique can also be used for future events..

For example, if you have an exam or a difficult conversation with your boss, imagine the worst-case scenario for this situation, and pay attention to how you feel. Then imagine that the situation does not affect your comfort zone, you feel relaxed and happy. You will see – experiencing this unpleasant situation in reality, you will not experience negative emotions.

From my own experience

Dr. Roy Martina considers sport to be one of the most effective means of fighting depression: “Exercise promotes the production of endorphins (“ hormones of happiness ”), which enter the brain and help to resist stress. Sports can be practiced with friends or with a coach. I would even recommend doing it in a company, it’s harder to evade classes. ”

45 minutes of daily exercise is guaranteed to relieve depression without the use of any medication.

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