How to enjoy food without rush and without guilt in 9 minutes
Guided Meditation
The psychologist and mindfulness expert Belén Colomina explains in this guided meditation session how to benefit from mindful eating

Throughout these dates of celebrations, you will have been able to discover in yourself an endless number of reactions to food. On more than one occasion you have been able to have the feeling of having overeat, feel guilty about it and then restrict yourself in food. But this does not work, this only generates a spiral of discomfort.
I invite you, in today’s meditation, to create a space for self-care, listens, awareness related to your diet. With learn to take care of yourself and your relationship with food.
Without expectations or demands to meet, there are no goals but a whole way of relating to yourself and food to learn.
I invite you to become aware of how you relate to it and to find the calm and the peace in you to eat mindfully, to detect your hunger signals and adjust to them.
I invite you to smell, observe, taste and enjoy. Eat to nourish yourself and enjoy it!
In the meditation, I also invite you to reflect on three questions, three questions that if you want, after practice, you can take them up again in detail. You can take time and space to respond and deepen the calm of your responses. Because remember that in this, there are no correct answers, only proposals for inquiry, to get to know you a little more.
And remember get healthy habits It is a whole way of life, it has no expiration date or deadline, respect your rhythm and your times and, if you need support, do not hesitate to do so. There are great professionals who can accompany you to live your diet in a conscious and healthy way.
Don’t forget any part of yourself. We start the training!
Happy meditation! Happy road!