In this article you will learn, among others:
- How to encourage your partner to lose weight?
- How to support your partner in your diet?
- Does a partner have the right to require weight loss?
- Can my partner tell me to lose weight?
Difficult subject
To be written this article was inspired by a thread on the forumMy husband requires me to lose weight. There was a stormy discussion on this thread, which only confirms that the topic body weight is very controversial and considered taboo by many. We don’t want anyone to pay attention to how much we weigh, let alone that suggested slimming. Of course, this is especially true of the people they have are overweight or obese. Then the excess body weight is already in itself is often suffering, and adding additional unpleasantness in the form of comments on the subject of appearance is seen as something out of place. Especially if such comments are made by the partner. In the end, it was accepted that it should be the most important thing all character, not appearance.
Does a partner have the right to require weight loss?
It’s worth it though consider whether your partner has the right to make comments about your weight. To make it you also have to feel into his situation. Each of us has to your partner has any requirements. Sometimes we want him to start cleaning sometimes we want him to quit smoking, and other times we want him to start to cook. We also want him to dress neatly and behave appropriately in company. How would these requirements differ from a request for weight loss? Yes really nothing, although body weight is treated exceptionally and sometimes even though knowing that your partner has a right to want us to look better, such requests cause great distress.
Sometimes, however Asking to lose weight is not just about not accepting your appearance partner, but simply with concern for her health. No one is surprised anymore by the fact that excess body weight is associated with a greater risk of numerous diseases. In supplement makes us tire faster, we are often lethargic and we have less energy. This affects the quality of the relationship. The partner may, therefore, care above all all to improve this quality.
Method – insulting
Of course no one has the right to offend us. So if the partner, instead of the normal way to say, that he would like his partner to lose a little weight, he starts to insult her or say that she is fat and cannot look at her, the partner has the right to be angry and no accepting such behavior. They are very unpleasant, and in addition they are ineffective. One reaction is because rebellion, which may end up in the fact that the partner begins to overeat in front of her eyes partner. The second reaction is tremendous sadness and suffering that it can push you into eating, because food is very often treated by people with excessive body weight as a comforter and to relieve tension.
Can my partner tell me to lose weight?
When we are offended, it must be said very assertively that you do not want to listen to it type of comments and repeat it until the partner changes behavior (yes called the peeled-off method). Unfortunately, there is no other method, although I am aware of it the fact that it is a bit cumbersome and sometimes it takes a really huge one perseverance to use it until it is effective.
If, on the other hand the partner gently points out that he would like us to reduce the weight body, and we want it too, and yet it makes us feel bad, that’s good is to tell the partner that he does not have to make such comments, because we have one the goal itself, and talking about it only makes the problem worse. It’s good, by the way explain what is the reason why it has not been achieved so far and say what support would be expected in this regard.
If, on the other hand our body weight does not bother us, you have to tell your partner about it and find out what makes him want to lose weight. Then you have to set a goal together. Maybe we’ll look at ourselves more objectively and we decide that losing a few kilos will not hurt us, and maybe it is the partner who changes his mind and decides that the overall weight does not bother him so much.
How to encourage your partner to lose weight?
Perhaps an article this is also read by people who would like to encourage their partner or a partner for weight reduction. So remember a few rules:
- Respect
Remember that the topic of body weight is there very delicate. If you want to start it, do it tactfully and best do not refer directly to the appearance. Better to encourage change, for example eating habits or increasing physical activity.
- Help
Proposing a change of habits nutritional supplements or increasing physical activity are also worth proposing your participation in this endeavor to support your other half. You can also help her by preparing healthier and dietary food.
- Don’t blame
If, despite your partner’s best efforts, either partner does not lose weight, then never make any remarks in style When will you finally pull yourself together? That’s it it does not help because it only reduces the sense of self-efficacy, and does not indicate any method that could help make a difference. You better go look together any new solutions. Sometimes difficulties in losing weight may require a visit to the doctor, psychologist or dietitian.
- Nothing by force
And if your other half doesn’t depends on losing weight, do not press. You can only deepen this way problem. Think if it is so important to you that it is worth considering argue and try to just accept the situation.
Have you ever been in such a situation? How did you deal with it?